I sometimes use the DE (as I like to call it, as calling it a "safety" razor creates the worn connotations in my book) when I can't get in front of the wright shaving mirror in my home. In other words, when I have to basically, shave in the dark, I opt for my DE. However, the other day I did manage to shave in my own dimly lit bathroom mirror with my straight and I was successful (i.e., no blood spilled.) In fact, I think it a good practice to every now and then switch it up, because, the techniques for either way of shaving are so vastly different and getting into a "rut" can result in the spilling of de blood. That being said, both types of shaving are such an almost endless journey; that is, if you're interested in all the various blades to try and the care and maintenance of the razors (or as my girlfriend refers to them, my ladies).