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Thread: 1930's Giillette DE Razor in copper and brass

  1. #1
    Senior Member Qatsats's Avatar
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    Default 1930's Giillette DE Razor in copper and brass

    I just purchased a 1930's Gillettee DE Razor. The handle and the 'cap' appear to be made of copper while the comb base and nut are made of brass.

    Do you know why these razors were made this way?

    I've seen several razors in this model line that were gold plated. Was this razor made to be plated?

    I'm considering having this razor nickel plated. What do you think?

  2. #2
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    If it was copper that would probably be very unusual. It was probably all Gold Plated and most of the plate wore off leaving the Brass underneath. I'm told when they do quality Gold Plating it's first plated with copper which makes the gold "take" better.
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  3. #3
    Junior Member Blooze's Avatar
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    Sounds like a Gillette New. They are notorious for thin gold plating that easily comes off. I've seen quite a few that were polished up so the copper and brass looked quite nice. Just remember the brass will most likely tarnish quickly if it's being used. I've got an older open comb that all the plating is gone down to the brass and as long as I dry it off well after use it seems to do fine.

    Nickel or rhodium would look nice. I've seen a rhodium plated one that looked very good.
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  4. #4
    Keep the shiny side up! RNMike's Avatar
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    Hey Quatsats, I have an open comb Gillette that the patent date puts it as a 1927. Mine has the same look as yours. If you look under the "cap" you may be able to see some of the old gold plating, I know I can on mine. I was thinking of getting mine re-plated too, so let us know how yours comes out. I'm kind of torn, I think the old worn look is pretty sweet too!

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