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Thread: Baby Steps!
03-15-2012, 05:02 AM #1
Baby Steps!
After I started getting into Wet shaving, I tried to sell my gal on how great it is. Cheaper
, better shave, better for your skin, blah, blah, blah. She was't having any part of it and her eyes would gloss over as I stood upon my soap box. I decided I would change her mind and buy her a razor for when she is at my place. A few clicks later and I got her a schick injector. Looked simple enough didn't seem to have the learning curve of a DE or straight. I cleaned up all nice and pretty she tried it and hated it. (didnt't wanna adjust to the learning curve, didnt shave as well, or the extra time it took to shave) Fast forward to a few weeks before my birthday and she joined the forum in pursuit of a gift for me. (Yes I know she is a keeper) Since then she has started asking question, and has even began using the razor on a regular basis. She is to the point where her legs are smooth and it isn't taking her as long. Still a no go on the DE or straight, but she has moved away from the disposable razor and is also using my soap.
I think she has off to find a nice womens (girly) razor.
03-16-2012, 09:12 PM #2
I'm not a cyclist, so I don't know from personal experience, but form what I've read long handles tend to be easier to use on legs. That is the only difference ( besides making them pink) in most traditional DE razors for women, as opposed to those for men.
03-16-2012, 10:07 PM #3
I seem to remember that the injectors were much more agressive than the standard DE.
03-19-2012, 09:03 PM #4
I found her a lady Gilette DE on the bay. It is in blue and has stars on it. She asked for it...I told her I was outbid and lost the auction. It will be a nice surprise for her on Thursday. I have used the injector a few times, it didnt get me as close as the DE or straight but wasn't unpleasant. Thesues We'll prolly be heading up your way sometime soon, we are growing bored with our normal antique stores and have started travelling to areas with in a reasonable driving distance. (I'll try to refrain from buyin more razors on your turf)
03-19-2012, 09:08 PM #5
and sargon thanks for the info...hopefully she likes it. If not, I'll Keep searching.
03-19-2012, 09:18 PM #6
03-19-2012, 11:54 PM #7
haha, I have plenty of razors to keep me busy right now. plus the ones in the antique stores down here do not seem to be going anywhere. cam across a nice genco the other day, but i have been looking for hones and mugs more lately
03-20-2012, 12:59 AM #8
Actually, pretty much everything left here in town is either broken or priced way to high. For example, there is a 6/8 Torrey round point that once cleaned up should be a nice razor. It's got quite a bit of rust and pitting on the upper half of the blade and spine and the scales are broken. The guy is asking $100 and won't budge. Not for me.
03-20-2012, 01:23 AM #9
that is how I got my gold edge for 60...He had it at 120 for over a year and no one was buying any of his razors. There are plenty of broken ones around here too. SO excited when I say a Wade and butcher swayback, just to open the scales and see a piece of metal that I can only assume jaws took a bite out of. I normally look for old mugs and brushes now, she looks for perfume bottles and furniture and whatever else strikes her fancy.