After I started getting into Wet shaving, I tried to sell my gal on how great it is. Cheaper , better shave, better for your skin, blah, blah, blah. She was't having any part of it and her eyes would gloss over as I stood upon my soap box. I decided I would change her mind and buy her a razor for when she is at my place. A few clicks later and I got her a schick injector. Looked simple enough didn't seem to have the learning curve of a DE or straight. I cleaned up all nice and pretty she tried it and hated it. (didnt't wanna adjust to the learning curve, didnt shave as well, or the extra time it took to shave) Fast forward to a few weeks before my birthday and she joined the forum in pursuit of a gift for me. (Yes I know she is a keeper) Since then she has started asking question, and has even began using the razor on a regular basis. She is to the point where her legs are smooth and it isn't taking her as long. Still a no go on the DE or straight, but she has moved away from the disposable razor and is also using my soap. I think she has off to find a nice womens (girly) razor.