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Thread: Popular double edge blades under the scanning electron microscope (SEM)

  1. #1
    Senior Member Lesslemming's Avatar
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    Default Popular double edge blades under the scanning electron microscope (SEM)

    Today I am going to treat you to something real nice. Due to my current employment status I have access to a scanning electron microscope.The SEM is capable of extremely high magnifications up to (theoretically) 1.000.000times. Naturally the SEM I am using is not so much state of the art but still capable of tremendous magnifications.So far I have been able to produce images up to 5.000x magnification (Verhoeven[1] maxed out at 3.000x). The magnification of the image is listed under SEM MAG:Up to today I have taken sample images of different popular double edge blades.The first set of pictures is a fresh Feather stainless steel blade.The blade has not been cleaned and came fresh out of the box. The blade has been gold coated via sputtering[2]

    Please click on the pictures for full image size

    Name:  Feather 1.jpg
Views: 44109
Size:  50.2 KB
    Name:  Feather 2.jpg
Views: 46542
Size:  37.3 KB

    It is clearly visible that the blade is pretty dirty.
    I made a second set of images, cleaning the blade prior to sputtering.
    The Feather has been exposed to xylene steam, a highly effective organic solvent.This is what the Feather looked like this time

    Name:  Feather New Vergleich.jpg
Views: 58523
Size:  61.8 KB

    The next set of pictures shows a fresh Personna (red) blade. The blade has been untreated, uncleaned and sputtered.

    Name:  Personna complete.jpg
Views: 29565
Size:  27.3 KB

    [1] Experiments on Knife Sharpening. John D. Verhoeven, 2004

    [2] Sputtering produces coatings of gold only slightly bigger than a couple of gold atoms.
    The gold makes the surface more contuctable and improves the resolution of the image.
    Attached Images Attached Images       
    Last edited by Lesslemming; 03-24-2012 at 09:11 AM.

  2. The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to Lesslemming For This Useful Post:

    Deegee (05-15-2014), leadingedge (06-06-2012), MW76 (01-04-2016)

  3. #2
    Senior Member Lesslemming's Avatar
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    Here are some samples of a Derby blade.
    The picture on the left shows the derby sputtered and untreated.
    The picture on the right shows the opposite side of the blade but this time it has been corked five times with no pressure
    Name:  Derby Vergleich 118x.jpg
Views: 24101
Size:  24.5 KB
    Name:  Derby Vergleich 500x2.jpg
Views: 27815
Size:  31.0 KB
    Name:  Derby Vergleich 4680x.jpg
Views: 25202
Size:  27.2 KB

    Now for some experimenting.
    On the left side of the image you see a very well used Feather stainless blade.
    On the right side you see the opposite side of the blade treated with 0.5µm diamond on felt.
    The blade has not been sputtered but cleaned

    Name:  Feather Vergleich 233x.jpg
Views: 27453
Size:  48.5 KB
    Name:  Feather Vergleich 469x.jpg
Views: 25284
Size:  41.7 KB
    Name:  Feather Vergleich 2390x.jpg
Views: 25654
Size:  32.8 KB

    I hope you enjoy these pictures.
    Remember these are merely pictures and can be misread.Please to not distribute or use these pictures without my permission
    Last edited by Lesslemming; 03-24-2012 at 09:07 AM.
    Lynn, JimmyHAD, lz6 and 1 others like this.

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    Deegee (05-15-2014)

  5. #3
    Senior Member Lesslemming's Avatar
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    Name:  Derby Fasen.jpg
Views: 24408
Size:  30.5 KB

    Here is an example for the manufacturing process of a Derby blade.
    The blade shows at least three different angles with a coarse primary bevel, a secondary bevel and a completely polished tertiary bevel

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    leadingedge (06-06-2012)

  7. #4
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    Thanks for the pics, I had no idea what my Feathers looked like under the scope.

  8. #5
    I used Nakayamas for my house mainaman's Avatar
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    How thick is the sputtered gold, I typically do 5nm and that is not visible on the sample with those magnifications, you will be seeing it when you get in the x30K range or higher
    Images look great.

  9. #6
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    wow, thats crazy. those feather blades look terrible compared to the derby's...the derby's seem to have a much neater and cleaner blade thanks for the awesome experiment

  10. #7
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Like with straight razors a great LOOKING blade doesn't always translate to a great Performing blade.

    Great pictures, thanks.
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  11. #8
    lz6 is offline
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    Thank you for taking and sharing the pictures. Edges get a bit intimidating at that resolution.

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  12. #9
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    would love to see a side by side of 6-8 different blades all new at the same resolution across the columns and then after 1, 2, 3, 4... shaves down the rows

  13. #10
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    Thanks for the images. Reminds me of my uncle when i was a kid though. He worked in a sausage factory and told me the old cliché was true ..... if you see how it is made you wouldn't want to eat it..... Sort of my reaction to the feather images ..... after the gillette swede that was my go to blade when I shave DE.
    32t likes this.
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