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Thread: Feather Blades arrived!

  1. #1
    Senior Member mannye's Avatar
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    Default Feather Blades arrived!

    Got a great deal (I think) on Amazon this week 30 feather DE blades for 15 bucks and free shipping! They arrived yesterday and I am going to try them out in a few minutes. My straights are sorely in need of honing so I switch to DE while I get to shipping them out/finding time to get it done here.

    Will report on first impressions later...

  2. #2
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Feathers are about the sharpest blades you'll find. Even though you have to find the right match with your razor and your face.
    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

  3. #3
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    Assuming your razor likes Feather blades I think you'll be more than happy. Trust me, you'll have a new sense of what sharp is, and you'll judge every other type of DE blade against Feathers.....

  4. #4
    Senior Member mannye's Avatar
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    Absolutely! From the fantastic Japanese style paper-wrap (they always seem to spend a little more time than most wrapping products) to the very thin composition, which makes me understand the name, the blades are "a cut above the rest" (sorry about that) in manufacture and made quick work of my beard with a lot less stinging when the Pinaud Clubman went on.

    I used it in my Merkur today and will try one in the Gillette tomorrow morning. I keep unwrapped blades in a little glass of vodka which I find makes them last a lot longer. I guess I could use rubbing alcohol, but where's the style in that? The feather blades struck me as more prone to rusting although I admit it's just a feeling about how the metal looked.

    I think I may have found my new favorite DE blade and am now very curious about the Feather cut-throat style. Too bad it's so expensive.

  5. #5
    Senior Member cflaageriv's Avatar
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    I used to - and occasionally still do - shave with a DE and I never tried a Feather. The reason being is that it was a pervasive commentary that they just tore up your face because they were so danged sharp. So I settled on two brands (after trying [almost ] all the ones offered), the Shark (which is my favorite) and the Astra, both in stainless. though the platinums seem to perform as well. In retrospect, I wish I would've given the Feather a chance, simply because it's probably the only blade I can think of I haven't tried, and thus, can not supply any opinion on. In any event, after bopping around for a while inbetween the straight and the DE, I now practically always use the straight. Though, I do feel that I should probably keep up with the DE technique, the reason being is that I've had two strokes and the older I get, the less the chances of recovering well enough to be able to straight razor shave. I feared this same thing after my first stroke, and as a result I taught myself to use my other hand well enough to get by and to shave with.

  6. #6
    Senior Member easyace's Avatar
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    I think they are probably the best blades I've tried.

    Quality shaving products are not really prevalent here, the notable exception is Feather blades. They are in the supermarkets priced at the equivalent of 11 USD for a pack of 100 blades.
    AndrewK likes this.

  7. #7
    Senior Member mannye's Avatar
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    I has a chance to try out the blades in my Gilette and it definitely likes the Gillette even more than the Merkur. It felt like I was running an empty razor along my skin. At 4:38 pm as write this I still have a close shave Very much like a straight shave.

  8. #8
    At Last, my Arm is Complete Again!! tinkersd's Avatar
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    To my way O' thinking' Feather are the best there is, BUT you have to modify you technique! IF I shave with my DE's or Shavette the way I would, say Dorco or similar blades with a Feather blade?? There would be a lot of Alum and Crazy Glue used that mornin' to be certain!!
    But the shave would be great, and the next day I don't need to shave again at least for the next 2 day's. With my beard that kind of shave would be the ultimate.

    YMMV, tinkersd.

  9. #9
    lz6 is offline
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    I use Israeli blues in my old Aristocrat but feathers in a new Futr.

  10. #10
    Senior Member AndrewK's Avatar
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    I use many different blades. Feathers are quite nice. I love how they're so sharp and I just need to use a very light touch to have an extraordinary shave. Got 5 shaves out of a blade once but wasn't interested in doing that again. 4 shaves is my max. Feathers for me in summary: 1st shave not so smooth, 2 and 3 perfect, 4 can tell that the blade is done, 5 too rough for my taste.

    I've been loving 7'oclock yellows lately. To me they've been the same as the Feathers but are smooth on the first shave and I can get at least 5 shaves out of them. I haven't tested beyond 5 yet but now that gives me something to do!
    Last edited by AndrewK; 04-17-2012 at 07:14 AM.

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