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  1. #1
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    Default Help me identify this safety razor.

    I decided to give up my Gillette Fusion this weekend and buy myself a nice DE safety razor. I've always liked the idea of shaving the old fashioned way with a vintage razor handed down from father to son, but my forefathers are sissies who shave with disposable plastic handle razors, so I had to invent a family history by going to the flea market this morning and buy the razor of someone else's father.

    This is what I found (pictures). It weighs 26 grams without a blade, it is about 75 mm long, the head measures 40 x 24 mm. The money I spent was approximately 80 cents, including the Q-tips and alcohol I used to clean it.
    The problem is that it has no markings whatsoever, so I have no way of identifying the brand and model.
    The seller was a woman in her 60:s, who claimed that it had belonged to her father in law, so I suppose that makes it roughly 50 years old, give or take a couple of decades.

    I'd like to know the name of the model, but also how it measures up to a modern quality razor like, for instance, the Merkur 34c that I have been planning to buy. Should I still buy the Merkur for everyday shaving and save this one for special occasions, or can I use only this one for the rest of my life with comparable result? I haven't tried it yet since I have no blades, but I've ordered a sample pack of razor blades from Ebay that I will try out when they arrive.

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  2. #2
    Senior Member sinnfein's Avatar
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    I don't know much about razor branding or dating but i got a vintage de from an antique store and it seems to out perform my merkur that i got brand new a couple years ago, so if you want more than one you can get the merkur but its not necessary. Just my two cents

  3. #3
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    It looks like there is some kind of worn inscription on the top of the head. maybe with some magnification you could make it out. If it shaves good you could probably use it all your life. These things never wear out. Only if abused the plating can deteriorate.
    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

  4. #4
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    I can't see any traces of an inscription when I study it up front. The razor is in good shape, so I don't think anything has been worn off, unless it was printed there with ink. The only clue of its origin is the diamond shaped ridge on the bar that resembles the Gillette logo, but I've seen those on non-Gillette razors too.

    My investigations have turned up that the Gillette Tech-range have heads very similar to my razor. The handle is similar to what I have found on some Matador-razors and the handle of the "Matador De Luxe" is identical except that the pommel has three grooves instead of two. The head is different though, so it's almost like if someone put an unmarked Tech-head on a Matador handle.

    The razor feels like a piece of quality work, but I'm a bit concerned that the weight is only 26 grams. Most people seem to prefer razors of three times that weight. Will the weight be a disqualifying issue or is it only a matter of personal preference?
    Last edited by Paddan1000; 07-15-2012 at 12:42 PM.

  5. #5
    Senior Member livingontheedge's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Paddan1000 View Post
    it's almost like if someone put an unmarked Tech-head on a Matador handle.
    I think you are kind of right, when I first looked at it I thought it was a frankenrazor. Notice the bottom plate stud holes are different than the studs on the top cap. Someone probably replaced the top cap so they could use standard blades instead of proprierary blades. The Tech didn't use studs, so it could be an old-style cap, or some unknown Gillette clone. I lean toward a clone cap as it doesn't look silver plated.

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    That would explain the burrs I found around the stud holes. I found them to be out of place in the otherwise impeccable design. The previous owner must have drilled those holes through the previously present slits.
    It's fun to own a customized razor, made and used by a master of old. Perhaps it even carries some enchantment that will ensure that my blades stay ever sharp!
    Anyway, I bought it in Sweden, so Matador is the most likely company to be the source of most of the components. The lower bar could be from a Gillette Tech, because the Matador closed bars never have that third prong in the middle.
    It's a bit light, though. I might have to do some customization myself. Has anyone ever thought of adding a heavy nut between the head and handle to increase the length and weight of the razor, or maybe hollow out the handle and fill it with lead?
    Last edited by Paddan1000; 07-15-2012 at 03:18 PM.

  7. #7
    Senior Member livingontheedge's Avatar
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    I believe the handle and bottom plate go together, none of this razor is from a Gillette Tech. Originally it used a blade made only for this brand of razor it could not accept Standard three hole blades because of the stud shape. I have seen razors and vintage blades with holes and studs the same as on your bottom plate, I cannot think of the maker though.

  8. #8
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    Ok, but it sure does like the bottom plate of a Gillette Tech. At least it must be directly inspired by it and I assume the shaving experience would be the same. I guess companies didn't take design patents as seriously back then as they do today. Here is a side-by-side comparison of the bottom plates from a Gillette Aluminum Handled Tech and my razor. The only major difference as far as I can see is the lack of an insignia on my razor and the stud holes drilled on top of the "Tech-holes".

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    I got the Gillette picture from the internet and tried to emulate the red background as well as I could. I haven't seen the Gillette razor in real life, so I cannot comment on the feel of the material.

    EDIT: I believe I've located the origin of the handle. The same handle can be found on the "Skrep" razor discussed here:

    The head of the Skrep is different though, but since Skrep seems to be known for copying other manufacturers designs, they might have made my razor by stealing bits and pieces from other razors and thrown together a hybrid.

    The Skreps are also described as being made from lightweight and shoddy materials. Well, that's my razor for sure.
    Last edited by Paddan1000; 07-15-2012 at 09:59 PM.

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