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Thread: Why am I getting razour burn now! Help!!

  1. #11
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    I'm assuming from your first post that you're around 19? If so there are certainly changes in the skin that follow the tail ends of puberty - oil levels, pH, hair thickening - any of which will throw your "usual" routine off. Changing your routine one factor at a time would certainly be the wisest choice. You might also consider changing your blades more often as you might be wearing them out more quickly nowadays.

    There is another possibility that hasn't been mentioned: a rash. It could be something like fungi or perhaps you've developed an allergy to a product you use.

    Either way, you might want to take a break from shaving for a while to let it heal, and then start fresh.
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    Quote Originally Posted by earcutter View Post
    After 5 years... I personally think it can only be one of two things. A. the blades have somehow changed. Bad batch? New manufacturing? What have you.


    B. The threading on your razor might somehow be off. If it's loose the aggressiveness goes up.

    Good luck.
    Ok, get a new DE razor...probally not a drug store item anymore eh...oh well, I'll order a Merkur tommorow by the looks of it.

  4. #13
    rum is offline
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    Here are some thing to try from my point of view:

    - Throw away the current open pack of blades that you have. Open a fresh pack and start again. You never know what might be in that open pack that is causing irritation for you. I always thought these would be sterile in a new unopened pack.

    - Try shaving less often. Give your skin a rest between shaves and maybe go for a couple of shaves per week or longer for once in a while. Assuming of course your work/lifestyle permits some stubble.

    - You say you've used Proraso for ages, but I know that some people have allergies to the menthol content in that. I doubt this is the problem, but maybe try a menthol-free cream or even a soap as your skin may have formed an allergy. I doubt it, but if all else fails, it's worth a try.

  5. #14
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Well, I'll tell you I have been shaving all my life with everything from electrics to DEs and straights and about 5 months ago out of the blue I found after shaving with either a DE or a straight right in the middle of my neck but closer to my chin I get serious itching. I don't have a clue either. If I do a ATG stroke it's worse. if I skip a day shaving I don't have the problem. I've just chalked it up to skin changes. There is nothing there that I can see.

    You might try some skin conditioner in that area though it didn't do me any good. I guess it's just one of those things.
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  6. #15
    rum is offline
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    Default Why am I getting razour burn now! Help!!

    Another thing might be to start moisturising twice a day and exfoliating the night before a shave. I use L'Occitane's bark scrub which is perfect for my skin but you may need to experiment with which suits you best.

  7. #16
    Enthusiast Gammaray's Avatar
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    Take a two or three day break from shaving and try a new blade. Also, be careful with too many extra strokes beyond the initial cream removal. The skin can only tolerate a very few light touch-up strokes without water/cream protection. That is usually what causes razor burn - unprotected strokes. This is not the same as unprotected sex.
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