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Thread: And the winner is...

  1. #1
    Senior Member ziggy925's Avatar
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    Default And the winner is...

    Okay. I got one of those blade sampler sets and tried them all, or at least what I got. I know that everybody's face is different but I thought my experience might help someone get started before they buy a pack of 100 blades they hate. All shaves were done with a Merkur DE razor, Proraso shave soap and Proraso preshave. The preshave really helps.

    Feather New Hi-Stainless -- Too damn sharp for me. The shaves started out okay, then I started getting nicks and cuts like crazy. Needs a very light touch.

    Merkur Super -- Excellent blade but some irritation and pulling. Used to be my goto blade.

    Derby Extra -- Started out good but went downhill fast with a few scrapes and lots of pulling.

    Astra Superior Platinum -- Way too many funky little cuts and scrapes.

    Lord Super Stainless -- Started pulling right out of the gate.

    *Lord Platinum -- Amazingly good. A few scrapes at the beginning then the blade seemed to last forever with smooth shaves every time. Had to toss the blade only to get to the others.

    Bolzano Superinox -- Another good one but started pulling with a few cuts after many shaves.

    * As far as I'm concerned the winner. I don't mind a blade that gets duller as it ages, but when it starts pulling and scraping that's not good, and the Lord was giving me more comfortable shaves for a lot longer.

    Happy shaving. :-)

  2. #2
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    Thanks for the write-up.

    This is really a case of YMMV, and I'll explain. I have the same gear as you and have tried all those blades except Bolzano. My top three out of those brands are Feather, Astra and Derby, which shave close without irritation. The Lords I find okay, and Merkurs have always been a below average performing blade for me. So basically my top picks are your bottom picks and vice versa lol. Now I don't dispute your findings at all, because if it works for you that's great. Just goes to show that there are too many damn variables in this sport....
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  3. #3
    Senior Member johna2231's Avatar
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    Lots of variables in DE, that's for sure. I've found that some of the blades that tore me up when I started out are now some of my favorites since I know have a clue what I'm doing. My favs now are Astra SPs and Personna Reds. Who knew?!

    One of the nice things about Single Edge (SE) razors is the limited selection of blades. Maybe 8 tops? Anyhow, once you find the one that works for you you're done... smile.


  4. #4
    Junior Member R33F's Avatar
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    Has anyone tried the Personna Red Pack Israeli Blades, or simply the Personna Red Pack ? I have a set (also from a sampler pack) on the way & noted they weren't mentioned above.


  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by R33F View Post

    Has anyone tried the Personna Red Pack Israeli Blades, or simply the Personna Red Pack ? I have a set (also from a sampler pack) on the way & noted they weren't mentioned above.

    Yes, the Israeli blades (Personna and Crystal) are top knotch. I have yet to find a DE that didn't like them. My opinion only, of course
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  7. #6
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    I find I can get a really good DE shave with most razors and most blades. I find the small differences make the difference to me. I pretty much use the feather blades exclusively now and it doesn't matter if I'm using the feather razor or the Tradere or the R-41 or the Fat Boy. On the other hand my son is really sensitive to razor and blade combinations. He likes the Pils with Iridium blades.

    So you just have to experiment and find your own way. I think finding the right blade-razor combination is more difficult for most than finding the right straight to use.
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  8. #7
    Senior Member ziggy925's Avatar
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    When I put together my post the blades I reported on were the only ones in the sample pack from SRD. I'm also aware of the variables involved, and wonder what blade would have come out on top had I used a different razor or a different shave soap.

    What's interesting is I didn't get a chance to try the generic blades I was getting at the local grocery store. Seems it's impossible to find DE blades anymore in drug and grocery stores. What's with that?

  9. #8
    -- There is no try, only do. Morty's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ziggy925 View Post
    What's interesting is I didn't get a chance to try the generic blades I was getting at the local grocery store. Seems it's impossible to find DE blades anymore in drug and grocery stores. What's with that?
    Thanks to Gillette's very successful business model that centers on their advertising, most folks in the U.S. who were still using double edge razors well into the late 80s, early 90s made the transition to ever more "miraculous," (ever more expensive) cartridge razors. There just isn't the demand for DE blades for most drugstores or grocery stores to keep them in stock.

    Some Walmarts carry them (the one near me does not). Check barber & beauty supply stores near you.

    The Art of Shaving store carries a 10 pack of Merkur stainless steel double edge blades for $12.00. That's $24.00 for two 10-packs. But if you buy FIVE of those 10-packs of Merkur DE blades on Amazon, you get fifty blades for $27.45 and free shipping. That's THIRTY more blades for an additional $3.45. So buying from AOS just doesn't seem to make sense for me.

    FYI, Kmart sells a 10-pack of DE blades made in Korea for $6.00. But you can get 60 Feather DE blades on Amazon for $33.68 with free shipping. You're getting the sharpest DE blade in the world for four cents a blade less than the cost of Kmart's generic.

    That's just the economics. If ordering in advance does not float your boat, by all means, check out Walmart or Kmart. I bought a pack of Kmart's blades just out of curiosity and they aren't bad. They are nowhere near as good as the Feathers and Shark blades I've purchased, but they give a decent shave.
    Last edited by Morty; 08-29-2012 at 01:38 AM. Reason: Fixed a couple of errors.
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  11. #9
    Junior Member R33F's Avatar
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    Default Re: And the winner is...

    Fantastic reply Morty. Thanks.
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