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Thread: A lengthy absence from DE use..

  1. #1
    . Bill S's Avatar
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    Default A lengthy absence from DE use..

    I haven't shaved with a DE for at least five years. Straight razors have been the exclusive weapon of choice with a very rare exception made for an injector or two.

    A couple of days ago, for no reason than I received a new pack of blades, I dragged out a DE and took it for a spin. A Merkur Vision, no less. To be honest, I was very pleasantly surprised by the results. I don't know what I expected, exactly, but the shave was smooth, comfortable and fairly close.

    To those of you that frequent this sub-forum I am sure none of this is exactly earthshaking news but for me it was a good reminder of range of tools that will accomplish pretty similar results. I don't think I will be setting the straights aside or anything, but I plan to include at least a little variety in my daily razor selection.
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  2. #2
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    I stopped using DEs for a few years once I became proficient with the straight. Now I will use a Merkur slant, a Gillette Big Fellow or a Barbasol if I am running late for church or something like that. Other than running into a time constraint situation I still shave with straight razors by choice. I just like the shaves better.

  3. #3
    Senior Member blabbermouth Hirlau's Avatar
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    I have yet to shave with a DE. I have become interested lately; mainly due to my son. He will start shaving a year or 2, so I want some experience to get him started on DE's. He will not have the patience to start with a straight. I hope I can get him into DE's and not disposables.
    I am waiting to find one on an antique store shelf, to rescue. I don't want to just go & buy on in the classifieds

  4. #4
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    Same here only use straight, But if in a rush the fatboy comes out lol

  5. #5
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    I honed the blade of my Rolls Razor yesterday and gave it a test shave. I have not used an SE or a DE for going on 3 months, straights only. Boy did that shave ever feel strange doing it. Good shave non the less.


  6. #6
    Carbon-steel-aholic DwarvenChef's Avatar
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    DE's still give me the willies...
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  7. #7
    Senior Member ZeroCool's Avatar
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    Default A lengthy absence from DE use..

    Quote Originally Posted by BobH View Post
    I honed the blade of my Rolls Razor yesterday and gave it a test shave. I have not used an SE or a DE for going on 3 months, straights only. Boy did that shave ever feel strange doing it. Good shave non the less.

    How long did the Rolls honing take you? I have a few of those and maybe it's my patience, but I can't seem to get mine sharp enough.

  8. #8
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Quote Originally Posted by ZeroCool View Post
    How long did the Rolls honing take you? I have a few of those and maybe it's my patience, but I can't seem to get mine sharp enough.
    They were not too bad so I just went back to an 8000 Naniwa, then 12000 Naniwa and a pasted crox balsa strop. Per blade maybe 45 minutes total. I'll say one thing, they are a PITA to hone because of their small size. I did not use any tape either as there won't be too much spine wear since the Rolls does not get a lot of use.


  9. #9
    "We are the knights who say, "nee!" Yochatman's Avatar
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    After stopping for a couple months, and shaving strictly with a straight, I decided to pull out the old safety razor. My face felt the stinging sensation brought on by razor burn when rubbed with ye old alum block! I don't get sting from my straights anymore unless I nick myself!

    Well, my DE technique was off, so I vowed that once a week I would shave with my DE just so I can keep up the technique! For me that means I go through a pack of ten blades once a... Oh wait, I haven't gotten through a pack of ten blades yet! I get in the range of 4-8 good shaves with one DE blade, before it dulls!

  10. #10
    The Assyrian Obie's Avatar
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    I pepper my straight shaves with the double edge. It's usually about once a week, or when short on time. When traveling, I always have a little Merkur (with an EJ shave head) travel DE razor for backup to the straight. Nothing wrong with enjoying the best of two worlds.
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