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Thread: new Muhles

  1. #1
    Senior Member Foxhill's Avatar
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    Default new Muhles


    Can anyone tell me the difference between the Muhle R41 and the R101 and R102, other than the handle? I'm interested in trying an open-comb razor and I've heard (read) good things about the R41.



  2. #2
    Senior Member PFunkDaddy's Avatar
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    The R41 is different from the R101 and R102.

    The R101, R102 have the same head (you can buy either open or closed). The handle color (black vs. white) is the difference in model number.

    The R41 is an entirely different razor. It is more of a hybrid comb. It is widely recognized as the most aggressive DE on the market today. If you have never tried an open comb, you may not want to start with the R41.
    I like aggressive DEs and the R41 is aggressive as aggressive gets in DEs. I love mine! So if that's what you're looking for, you won't be disappointed.

    Hope that helps.
    Last edited by PFunkDaddy; 08-30-2012 at 07:04 PM.
    Lynn, Obie, Johnus and 2 others like this.

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  4. #3
    Senior Member Johnus's Avatar
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    Default new Muhles

    +1 on the above.

  5. #4
    Senior Member Tylerbrycen's Avatar
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    The r41 is a de that is truly as close of a shave. It's like using a straight but in a de

  6. #5
    Senior Member Foxhill's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PFunkDaddy View Post
    The R41 is different from the R101 and R102.

    The R101, R102 have the same head (you can buy either open or closed). The handle color (black vs. white) is the difference in model number.

    The R41 is an entirely different razor. It is more of a hybrid comb. It is widely recognized as the most aggressive DE on the market today. If you have never tried an open comb, you may not want to start with the R41.
    I like aggressive DEs and the R41 is aggressive as aggressive gets in DEs. I love mine! So if that's what you're looking for, you won't be disappointed.

    Hope that helps.
    So, the R101 and 102, with open comb, are still not as aggresive as the R41?

  7. #6
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Foxhill View Post
    So, the R101 and 102, with open comb, are still not as aggresive as the R41?
    No DE on the market of today or yesterday is as aggressive as the R-41.
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    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

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  9. #7
    Well Shaved Gentleman... jhenry's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thebigspendur View Post
    No DE on the market of today or yesterday is as aggressive as the R-41.
    From my experience using the R-41, thebigspender speaks the truth. When shaving with that whisker whacker, prep your face as if you were about to shave with a straight razor.

    Then use the most delicate of pressure on your face to shave with the razor.

    Doing so will spare you from suffering many weepers while shaving.
    Last edited by jhenry; 08-30-2012 at 10:37 PM.
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  10. #8
    Senior Member Foxhill's Avatar
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    Thanks, guys. I currently have the EJ DE89 which is a great razor, but sometimes leaves me with a shave that's a bit "lacking". Overall it's very good, but sometimes, I just want something a bit more. Granted, I only use it when I'm traveling anyway, and stick with a straight the rest of the time. Maybe my curiosity is getting the best of me, I don't know.

  11. #9
    Enthusiast Gammaray's Avatar
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    With all due respect the R41 may be the most aggressive FIXED DE on the market today. However, the adjustable DE's like the Merkur Futur can be dialed to equivalent aggressiveness and beyond.

  12. #10
    Senior Member PFunkDaddy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Foxhill View Post
    Thanks, guys. I currently have the EJ DE89 which is a great razor, but sometimes leaves me with a shave that's a bit "lacking". Overall it's very good, but sometimes, I just want something a bit more. Granted, I only use it when I'm traveling anyway, and stick with a straight the rest of the time. Maybe my curiosity is getting the best of me, I don't know.
    I understand the feeling. I started with an EJ and felt the same way. Vintage Gillette NEW open combs are good way to test out if open combs in general are for you. They are not hyper-aggressive yet definitely feel like an open comb. They are usually available through the bay or on shave sites that carry vintage DEs. It was the first open comb that I bought and even though it is now on the milder side of the razors I own, it is still in my rotation (the EJ is not).
    I know that Merkur makes open combs as well - these tend to be on the milder side; not really much different from the Jagger IMHO.
    If you try the New and find that you are still looking for a bit more, there are plenty of other razors out there before getting to the R41.

    Quote Originally Posted by Gammaray View Post
    With all due respect the R41 may be the most aggressive FIXED DE on the market today. However, the adjustable DE's like the Merkur Futur can be dialed to equivalent aggressiveness and beyond.
    Good point Gammaray - I was referring to fixed head DEs. The only adjustable that I have/use is a Progress. I have only recently put it into the rotation and have not opened it up all the way yet.
    The last time I used it, I opened it up to a 4 and it was approaching the R41 but not there yet. I believe the combination of blade gap and the blade curvature (or lack thereof) produced by the R41 head is what makes it so aggressive. I plan on opening the Progress up all the way to 5 the next time I use it. The Progress isn't actually calibrated and the numbers are there more as just a sight marker as opposed to an actual setting (unless it has been converted to a Mergress). I don't have experience with the Futur but have heard good things about it.
    What other adjustables do you think can open up to same level of aggressiveness as the R41? Do you know if the vintage Gillette Super Adjustables (Black Beauty) approach/surpass the R41? I've been very curious about the black beauties but have not the fortune of trying one out yet.

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