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Thread: as a DIY type (razor modding)

  1. #1
    Chasing the Edge WadePatton's Avatar
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    Default as a DIY type (razor modding)

    Let's say i love particular DE razor for its aesthetics and balance or family history or historical significance, etc. BUT THAT it's not quite "aggressive" enough for my shaving preferences.

    IOW i want to increase the gap or angle if not both of a particular razor.

    Shim or grind/hone to "needs"?

    oh snap, i'm on my way to a straight...dangint!
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  2. #2
    Senior Member TrilliumLT's Avatar
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    Yup your done for now. Welcome to the world of Straight Razors.
    bjmacnevin and WadePatton like this.

  3. #3
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    I'm one of those who thinks a DE is made the way it is and messing with it is like a dog chasing it's tale. The thing is designed a certain way. If you want more aggressive buy a more aggressive razor.

    I saw some fellas on another forum were putting shims on a feather Stainless. I sometimes thing some guys simply don'y know how to use the instrument so they try to modify it instead of modifying their ability.

    Of course when I buy a shave instrument the main concern is how it shaves. if it's ugly and shaves great that's fine with me but if it's gorgeous and doesn't shave well you can keep it.
    Morty likes this.
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  4. #4
    Chasing the Edge WadePatton's Avatar
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    tinkering with cheap DE's is more likely fitted into my budget than continual buying and selling-especially with my penchant for buying high and selling low. Ten bucks is about what i've paid each for the litter on my bathroom counter. The minute i decide to sell/swap any of those the mkt will become flooded and they'll be worth 3 dollars each.

    i've already fixed one with a bent guard. it's not rocket surgery, just metal, and malleable ones at that.

    I've cranked the adjustable i have up and down to find the "too hot" and "too not" settings for my mad skillz level. Best DE advice i ran across was to start with a more aggressive razor and finish with lesser aggressive. makes sense and works.

    My beard isn't tough enough to differentiate blades yet. I've tried over 12 different including the "grail" from Japan. And i do love Japanese steels, but couldn't tell that from either Astra blade I tried. Now i'm going back through the collection and using blades as long as they will last. And i have my razors sorted. I"m just 30 days in yet.

    So you're not a fixer, you're a swapper. fine. I'm a fixer, a tuner, a polisher, an overhaul, restoration, etc. type guy. World is full of different folks. I thought i might find a tinkerer or two out here.

    I just cleaned up a SR that I'll post as soon as i get pics. Probably let it go, as I'm no where near SR shaving yet.

    Quote Originally Posted by thebigspendur View Post
    I'm one of those who thinks a DE is made the way it is and messing with it is like a dog chasing it's tale. The thing is designed a certain way. If you want more aggressive buy a more aggressive razor.

    I saw some fellas on another forum were putting shims on a feather Stainless. I sometimes thing some guys simply don'y know how to use the instrument so they try to modify it instead of modifying their ability.

    Of course when I buy a shave instrument the main concern is how it shaves. if it's ugly and shaves great that's fine with me but if it's gorgeous and doesn't shave well you can keep it.

  5. #5
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    On a 3 piece razor, shimming under the blade would open things up a bit, and would keep the razor in it's unmodified condition. I guess on a twist to open, you would need to grind, hone or bend the guard down a bit, which I would think has a very high chance of destroying the razor. In both scenarios, the blade angle wouldn't really change.

  6. #6
    Chasing the Edge WadePatton's Avatar
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    i'm so _over_ DE's now that i'm playing with SR's.

    AND BUT ALSO, i did see the original MFG tag on a vintage DE the other day that specifically instructed the user to un-tighten the assembly just a tad for a more aggressive shave.

    I had already figgered that one out by application and had warned a pal to be aware of it, but was unaware that Gillette actually advised such BITD.

    hand-fitting to .001's of inches or tenths of millimeters is right up my alley, but yeah, most Joe Sixpacks (all my rowdy friends) would likely foul up the works.

    on a related note:
    (re) watched How It's Made /Dovo Razor episode last night, since now i'm interested, and will probably grind out a few of my own someday. Have a pal that makes a little "damascus" in his if he and i live long enough.

    note: i do not recommend such except for the craftsman who realizes that he'll have 2,000 worth of time and trouble and tooling into a blade or two that he could have purchased bespoke from established makers for half as much. Support the established "razorsmiths" all you can.

  7. #7
    Chasing the Edge WadePatton's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by WadePatton View Post

    I just cleaned up a SR that I'll post as soon as i get pics. Probably let it go, as I'm no where near SR shaving yet.
    whoops, now i'm diggin' the old Trident. have hone in the workings. made a strop.

  8. #8
    Senior Member blabbermouth Theseus's Avatar
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    If you want a nice medium between the DE and the straight, look for a Gem open comb Micromatic SE. Still looks like a safety razor but is as aggressive as a straight. Plus they can usually be found dirt cheap.

  9. #9
    Senior Member Sargon's Avatar
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    I would agree that Single Edge razors are kind of in-between straights and DE razors. There are a few De razors that can be as aggressive ( or more so) than an OCMM, like the new Muehle R41, and a Merkur Futur set on 5 or 6, though they don't shave quite like an SE ( which does indeed feel closer to how a straight fees to me).

  10. #10
    Chasing the Edge WadePatton's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TrilliumLT View Post
    Yup your done for now. Welcome to the world of Straight Razors.
    uh, now i have 8 DE's and FOUR SR's.

    simply take a bit of twist out from "full tight"* on any DE to ramp up the aggressiveness. i now only use the open-comb on my face. (and the SR's)

    *the point in closing the razor when the blade is fully flexed against the top--back offa that and watch the gap/angle open up.

    have alum handy.

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