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Thread: Now it All Makes Perfect Sense

  1. #1
    Senior Member blabbermouth 1OldGI's Avatar
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    Default Now it All Makes Perfect Sense

    Clay Matthews and Gillette Fusion ProGlide Razor Commercial | Gillette - YouTube

    So that's why we should all run out and buy Gillette Fusions. You see, unlike any other razor, you can actually run the Gillette Fusion...wait for it...AGAINST THE GRAIN. One wonders how much super high tech engineering went into this unique capability. Why, I'll bet that before the Gillette Fusion came out, no one EVER dared to shave against the grain. Seriously, YGBSM! I can't believe there's actually people out there that believe this drivel.
    The older I get, the better I was

  • #2
    Sharp as a spoon. ReardenSteel's Avatar
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    Why do I even bother with 1 straight blade pass against the grain? If I switch from a single straight razor to a fusion, I can get 5 ATG passes in one stroke. More is better, isn't that what they say?
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  • #3
    -- There is no try, only do. Morty's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 1OldGI View Post
    I can't believe there's actually people out there that believe this drivel.
    Ouch. (smile) Back in the early 70s (my late teens, early 20s) it hit me: every six months or so a different razor manufacturer would tout some MAJOR breakthrough that only THEIR r&d lab was able to discover. With their NEW technology you will get a CLOSER shave, a MORE COMFORTABLE shave, with LESS PULLING, and NO IRRITATION! Did I believe it? Not on your life. It seemed that if there was any truth in those promises, guys should be able to shave their beards off 1/2" below the skin surface without ever having to take their razor out of the medicine cabinet.

    But I was still undergoing the change from peach fuzz to wire brush stubble, not liking the results I was getting with my Gillette DE with their flagship Platinum Plus blades. Of course I know now that was my own fault. I would describe my shaving technique back then as whittling a stick. I found myself hoping that one of those MAJOR BREAKTHROUGHS would give me a slightly more comfortable shave with less bleeding?

    And it was that hope that led me to try the various new technologies, being disappointed with each NEW BREAKTHROUGH until Gillette came out with their Mach 3 razor.

    Now I gotta admit, at that time I was still "whittling" my face every morning. Horrible, horrible shaving technique, but not knowing any better, I was still hoping to find a razor that would perform miracles. And hope does not involve belief -- just an open mind that something you'd like to see might come to pass.

    Gillette's new Mach 3 did impress me. Without changing my technique, I did experience less irritation. But that floppy head. I hated it! Don't ask me why, but I could never get used to it. After a year or two I went back to using Gillette's twin blade cartridge. And there I stayed -- until I found SRP and the scales fell from my eyes.

    I look at these commercials and shake my head. I'm sure there are a lot of guys out there whittling their face like I used to. They're still going to hope, as I once did. Hope is what keeps marketing departments and ad agencies in business. It was only through SRP that they stopped getting my business.

  • #4
    Learning something all the time... unit's Avatar
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    I tried shaving against the grain once. Everything seemed to be going OK...until the 340 pound line backer blindsided me.

    Celebrity endorsements kill me. As if a football player with bad hair knows much about comfort and shaving. Why don't they use these guys for investment advice adverts too?

    I think Lance Armstrong would make a great spokesperson for Pfizer...oh wait...he WAS!

  • #5
    ace is offline
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    If you want to argue with Clay Matthews, go right ahead. Me, I'm dumping all my straights and all that other crap and going with the Pro Fusion. How can you beat five blades going ATG all at once?

  • #6
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    Default Now it All Makes Perfect Sense

    Quote Originally Posted by ace View Post
    If you want to argue with Clay Matthews, go right ahead. Me, I'm dumping all my straights and all that other crap and going with the Pro Fusion. How can you beat five blades going ATG all at once?

    Next question...

  • #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by ace View Post
    If you want to argue with Clay Matthews, go right ahead. Me, I'm dumping all my straights and all that other crap and going with the Pro Fusion. How can you beat five blades going ATG all at once?
    Quote Originally Posted by ReardenSteel View Post
    Why do I even bother with 1 straight blade pass against the grain? If I switch from a single straight razor to a fusion, I can get 5 ATG passes in one stroke. More is better, isn't that what they say?
    I was wondering where I was going wrong. I must need a multi cartridge for that extra close shave!

  • #8
    Learning something all the time... unit's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ShropshireShaver View Post
    I was wondering where I was going wrong. I must need a multi cartridge for that extra close shave!
    More is better.

    You know, it is funny how much truth there is to this "joke".

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    Senior Member Deegee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by unit View Post
    More is better.
    It's true. The more DE razors one has, the more fun one has.

    Erm... I might have gotten a tad confused somewhere...
    ~ Dave ~ ... back to lurking...

  • #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by unit View Post
    More is better.

    You know, it is funny how much truth there is to this "joke".

    This issue is that these multi cart blades cause in growing hairs, bumps etc.. because the lift and cut the hair under the skin line. I'll stick to my DE and straight, if its not broken don't fix it.
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