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Thread: First DE shave

  1. #1
    Senior Member Steelstubble's Avatar
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    Default First DE shave

    I've been shaving for a while with straight razors and decided to give a safety a whirl. Hilariously I tore up my face worse with my new DE then I did when I first tried straights. After finishing I fully suspect I had a pressure issue, I wasn't used to the heavy DE head combined with the straight razor sharp blade. I was using Derby brand blades btw with a custom safety using a Parker head. Very close shave once I was finished but lots of tiny little weepers and cuts. Any advice for a straight razor guy who's a noob with DE is welcome.

  2. #2
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Using a DE is a matter of minimal pressure and proper angle (sound familiar?) The variables change with the razor and the blades you use. The big difference between a DE and a straight is the DE is way more forgiving to use but you can still do some damage if you don't treat it with respect. Just try something like an R-41 without some DE skills and you can do a real number on your face to equal damage by a straight almost.
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  4. #3
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    I think the deceptive thing about DE's is that they look more like a cartridge razor than a straight but using anything but a cartridge razor like a cartridge razor quickly results in carnage.

    For me the key is just to let the weight of the head supply all the pressure and just let gravity do its thing. Also, don't use it on areas where you've already been and cleared away the lather. Re lather.
    BobH likes this.

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  6. #4
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    Get a blade sampler pack... i too have used a derby blade, and like you tore up my face. I love Feather and Astra blades, they are very sharp and cut cleanly. Try some packs from west coast shaving.

    P.S. I like using my straight rather my DE. More comfortable shave.
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    Quote Originally Posted by gcbryan View Post

    For me the key is just to let the weight of the head supply all the pressure and just let gravity do its thing. Also, don't use it on areas where you've already been and cleared away the lather. Re lather.
    I'm using a Carlton Truefitt & Hill razor.

    I find that letting the weight of the head & gravity sometimes doesn't work. What happens is that the head bounces as i pull down (with no pressure) on my face. therefore i apply some pressure.

    Any comments gents?

  9. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by hedonist222 View Post
    I'm using a Carlton Truefitt & Hill razor.

    I find that letting the weight of the head & gravity sometimes doesn't work. What happens is that the head bounces as i pull down (with no pressure) on my face. therefore i apply some pressure.

    Any comments gents?
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    Quote Originally Posted by gcbryan View Post
    As long as it's working for
    can't answer the question?

  11. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by hedonist222 View Post
    can't answer the question?
    I'm not sure what the question is? I find that using the head of the razor and gravity is the best approach rather than more pressure.

    You said that didn't work for you and that you use more pressure. What more is there to comment on? If it works for you then that's the best thing for you to do.

    If it's not working for you then try less pressure.

    Maybe I'm not understanding exactly what you are asking?

  12. #9
    Senior Member blabbermouth OCDshaver's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hedonist222 View Post
    can't answer the question?
    It sounds to me like you're experiencing some drag on the razor. If I'm correct there could be two problems. First your angle could be incorrect causing the razor to dig in and grip rather than cut. If that is not the case I suggest that perhaps your razor blade is not sharp enough. In that case you may try a different blade. Generally the razor it self has enough weight to complete the job without adding pressure. But if you're otherwise getting a decent shave without any problems there's no reason to make any changes.

  13. #10
    Senior Member Steelstubble's Avatar
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    I think I will get that sampler pack. I often say as a joke that I have a woman's skin but its darn near the truth. My skin is very sensitive, which is why I love the smoothness of straights and despise cartridge razors. Also, yes I started out treating it like a cartridge razor which I corrected within seconds of cutting myself. Like straights I have no doubt this is a matter of technique and practice and I'll get this down. Thanks for the help!

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