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Thread: Sharpest DEs

  1. #21
    Senior Member alpla444's Avatar
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    I use a lot of DE's (due to time constraints in a morning.) and feathers are generally regarded as the sharpest (That said I didnt find em that smooth), but for me Astra SP where the best combination of sharp and smooth.
    But DE blades is a big YMMV item and really does vary between razors and users, so you would probably be best getting a sampler pack and finding out which is best for you.

  2. #22
    Senior Member Sargon's Avatar
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    There isn't an official rating system, but feathers are considered the sharpest ( possibly along with Kai). Some other blades considered sharp are Polsilver Super Irridium, and yellow, blue, and black pack Gillettes. I think that Rapira and Astra Stainless ( platinum a nice enough blades but not as sharp) are also sharp blades, but that isn't as commonly agreed on as the polsilvers and gillettes.

    As others have said, sharpest isn't always best. most guys are fine with most blades, but if you have sensitive skin and or an unusually tough beard, then you will find blade choice a lot more important.

  3. #23
    32t is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by thebigspendur View Post
    I know of no rating for DE blades. Even if there was one the blades perform quite differently depending on the razor let alone your technique in using them.
    I like your statement about different razors. the "modern" blades are much different with a vintage razor than the ones being made "at the time."

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