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Thread: Climbing the learning curve
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01-13-2014, 10:12 PM #1
Climbing the learning curve
Hi all
Keen to master the skills of straight shaving (to turn a boring chore into a satisfying challenge)
I just got a Dovo Shavette for two reasons 1) cheaper way to test waters 2) I am always travelling so it's easier to pack
A few questions arise after giving it a burl this morning
1) It seems really hard to actually see what your doing with your hand in the road.. am I doing something wrong? I nearly sliced my ear off peering over, then under the blade trying to see where to start a first pass!
2) When the barber does the back of my neck with a straight they seem to use many short strokes, is this the way or are long passes better?
3) Any tips for doing around the adams apple? I don't want to die yet
4) The Dovo full length blades seem very long, almost hard to manage. Do I get used to it or get the smaller blades?
5) Whats the best way of cleaning the blade as your shaving? It's fiddly to pull apart and wash, and a tissue just smeared lather everywhere. Tips?
It's great - I used to drink coffee to get my heart rate up, now I just put an open razor next to my jugular.Last edited by nonick; 01-13-2014 at 10:14 PM. Reason: forgot a question