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Thread: Shavette/ No Sharpen Razors and TSA

  1. #1
    Junior Member Gran8man's Avatar
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    Default Shavette/ No Sharpen Razors and TSA

    I have been shaving exclusively with a traditional straight razor for a few months now, and greatly prefer it to my DE. I travel a fair amount and my standard practice is to mail a DE blade to my hotel sandwiched between two business cards taped together. A 3 piece safety razor is packed disassembled in a leather case that was designed to hold two fountain pens- happens to fit perfectly.

    My theory has been that with the safety razor disassembled it doesn't look like a razor and I have never had problems with my carry on bag and the TSA. I would like to travel with a Shavette type razor but do not want to donate it to the TSA or have my bags searched every time I fly. I am not interested in checking bags either. Can anyone share their experiences?


  2. #2
    Senior Member MattCB's Avatar
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    Well, I was going to suggest checking a bag...... and now I'm stumped. You could still carry the shavette "handle" portion and mail yourself some of those blaedes or run research were blades are sold locally to where you are going.

    I know the lines can really suck, but I think checking a bag really eliminates these probelms and you can take whatever you would like. Interested to hear what ideas everyone else has.

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  3. #3
    Senior Member blabbermouth RezDog's Avatar
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    this is always an option as rocks are allowed on planes
    shaving with stone razors - YouTube
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  • #4
    MJC is offline
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    Even a 3 piece disassembled can catch there attention and prompt the "were are the blades?" talk.
    When I travel to the same place often I. Will see if I can stash a Feather SS and blades some place. Or it's back to the cart....
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