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Thread: Tried The Shavette

  1. #11
    Member Ferrarimondial's Avatar
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    It is unforgiving and the lack of weight does make it a little more difficult. I can see how a true "straight" could actually be easier to learn with. I'm going to send my W&B to Lynn to get it shave ready, try it, and if I learn to use it and like it (should know in about 3 to 5 shaves if I'll like it), then invest in a good strop and maybe multiple razors.
    "Never mistake education for intelligence"

  2. #12
    Senior Member blabbermouth Steel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phrank View Post
    I'd agree with you on this, a shavette certainly teaches you a tender, careful touch. I found they are very unforgiving, and will bite you in a flash, and as you point out, if you can use one of these, then the change to straights is much easier than say going from a safety razor to a straight, at least that was my experience.
    +1 to this and Ace's comment. I started with a shavette and was able to master it rather quickly getting irritation free BBS shaves and when I switched over to a straight I found it a very easy switch (after I got my straight very sharp).
    What a curse be a dull razor; what a prideful comfort a sharp one

  3. #13
    Senior Member blabbermouth Steel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ferrarimondial View Post
    Well, I'm not one to give up. I'm going to take all of these instructions and apply them.
    With an attitude like this you will have this mastered in no time!
    What a curse be a dull razor; what a prideful comfort a sharp one

  4. #14
    Member huckelberryhound22's Avatar
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    Like everything else, it takes time. I quite like my shavette and I have no problem making the transition between shavette and straight

  5. #15
    Member Ferrarimondial's Avatar
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    Isn't a Norelco Triple Header just 150 very short straight razors, connected to an hub, and rapidly spinning?
    "Never mistake education for intelligence"

  6. #16
    Senior Member ncraigtrn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ferrarimondial View Post
    Isn't a Norelco Triple Header just 150 very short straight razors, connected to an hub, and rapidly spinning?
    Isn't the mach three just 3 straight razors on a swiveling head attached to a stick?

  7. #17
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    Throwing my .02 in here: I have a Dovo shavette and the thing cuts me to ribbons. I also have a cheap Parker shavette and it shaves like a dream. I find a straight is much easier than either of them, though. Just my experience.

  8. #18
    Member NunoSa's Avatar
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    I used a shavette for almost exclusively for about 20 years, and as Phrank stated itīs very unforgiving, one little distraction and you will get cut. I handle the shavettes differently them the straights, i put my fingers closer to the blade and also use it in a different angle. Despite of my experience with them i almost never used it against the grain, because it is somewhat difficult and dangerous.

  9. #19
    Member NunoSa's Avatar
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    I used a shavette for almost exclusively for about 20 years, and as Phrank stated itīs very unforgiving, one little distraction and you will get cut. I handle the shavettes differently them the straights, i put my fingers closer to the blade and also use it in a different angle. Despite of my experience with them i almost never used it against the grain, because it is somewhat difficult and dangerous.

    Some of my shavettes:

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