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Thread: Don Jae? Or just buy a feather?

  1. #1
    Senior Member RollinCoal69's Avatar
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    Default Don Jae? Or just buy a feather?

    I'm considering adding a high end shavette to the rotation. Already have a bluebeard which for the money is nice. I was pretty sure I was going to pony up the cash for a feather SS in the lime green. Then I remembered the don jae shavettes an got to looking at those. They are pricey but so cool looking. Been doing some digging an of course the feathers are rated so high I don't even doubt the performance, but there seems to be very little info on the don jae. Curious is there anyone here using one an if so are there any drawbacks? Hate to spend the cash an be disappointed. Thanks in advance.
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  2. #2
    ace is offline
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    No drawbacks. I get my easiest and best shaves with them.

  3. #3
    Senior Member RollinCoal69's Avatar
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    Ace do you have a don jae?
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    Firstly, for me a razor is primarily a tool and the shape of the razor should be based upon its intended function or purpose.
    In other words: the old "form follows function" principle applies.

    Secondly, not trying to ruffle any feathers here; but for me the best home for a DE blade is a DE razor and I have never been particularly attracted to shavettes that depend on DE blades.

    By comparison, Feather DX razors do work extremely well for me, as they neatly combine the convenience of a DE razor with the style and feel of a straight.

    In conclusion, looking at the Don Jae designs I do get the impression that these razors are more about looks than about function and they also appear to depend on DE blades.

    In other words: Don Jae is not for me.
    Last edited by beluga; 06-30-2014 at 04:57 PM.
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  5. #5
    MJC is offline
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    I'm with Ace.
    There is a wide variety of styles in the system (Feather DX, RJ, SS, Folding, Fixed - Kai Folding and Fixed, CJB mostly fixed and some others)
    The blades are, IMHO, in a league of their own, and you have some variety (Feather Super, Pro, Pro-Guard, Light - Dorco Super, Kai Guard and PINK-Mild to name a few)

    For a traveling rig I've not found anything that comes close - Razor and spare blades don't take up any more room that a tooth brush holder and a fresh edge is only seconds away. (Check bag or drive or ship ahead)

    The grip/balance does vary between all of them and many feel that the DX Folding has the balance, tang shape/feel of something like a medium wt. 6/8 razor.
    The SS folding tang is thiner and has a rolling Jimp pattern as apposed to the mostly square and more "conventional" configured DX Folding.
    And the fixed versions are very YMMV -

    Smooth Shaving...
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    Senior Member RollinCoal69's Avatar
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    Well I really appreciate the honest replies. I am thinking that the feather system is the way I will eventually go. I already have a shavette that takes a DE blade. So the feather system appears to be more along my normal straights. I have been doing some research on the different models. I want a folding model. My next question is what is the real difference of the head designs. I know the SS has the different angle better for beginners from what I've read. What model do you guys prefer? An is the DX an teak wood models really that much better then the SS? I feel like I can get just as good of a shave from the SS.
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  7. #7
    MJC is offline
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    The DX vs SS vs RJ vs etc. is all very YMMV.
    And they all take a few shaves (3-6) when you start out to get dialed in.
    Once you have used any of them (and learn that you need no, repeat no, pressure) the next version is a faster learn.

    DX Teak? - Very YMMV, I like the Feather because its low/easy maintenance - as in drop it in boiling water, alcohol...anything but Bleach..(stains)

    If you would like to try an SS Folding PM me - my day-glow lime green in out on loaner but I think I have a black SS folding in my Zombie kit...

    Smooth shaving..
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    Senior Member blabbermouth Geezer's Avatar
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    I gave away my Feather and now have a CJB which I love and just ordered a Sam Seong for the same low price as getting the blades in and out is easier. THe blades last a good long time and for travel or a shave in a hurry they are good buys. Blades for them are on the bay for about as low as $0.60 a blade. DE blades are cheaper but the experience is closer to a regular straight shave.
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    Quote Originally Posted by RollinCoal69 View Post
    Well I really appreciate the honest replies. I am thinking that the feather system is the way I will eventually go. I already have a shavette that takes a DE blade. So the feather system appears to be more along my normal straights. I have been doing some research on the different models. I want a folding model. My next question is what is the real difference of the head designs. I know the SS has the different angle better for beginners from what I've read. What model do you guys prefer? An is the DX an teak wood models really that much better then the SS? I feel like I can get just as good of a shave from the SS.

    I was in the market for a travel razor that replicates my straights as closely as possible and the Feather DX with folding handle simply fitted the bill better than any other razor.

    By now, I own both the teak and resin versions and - while the teak version is nice in its own right - the DX with resin folding handle is the one that I used more often so far. I like the substantial feel of the resin handle, which gives this DX version an appealing weight and balance distribution when shaving.

    Early on, I took a look at the Feather SS as well, but as I was looking for a razor that comes close to the feel of a straight razor, I found the SS with its differently shaped tang and tail less suitable. There is a small learning curve when transitioning to replaceable blade Feather razors, but I doubt whether the "duckbill" edge of the Feather SS justifies this choice for a shaver who is already used to straights.

    There are several Korean clones available, but - while significantly cheaper - I came across several comments that their built quality is not on par with Feather. As I consider a razor a long-term investment, quality trumped price and I ultimately went for the Feather DX razors.

    I have not regretted this choice and and just came back from a one week Mediterranean cruise where the folding handle DX served me extremely well, allowed me to take carry-on baggage only and yet gave me straight-like shaves every day.
    Last edited by beluga; 07-01-2014 at 04:35 AM.
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  10. #10
    Senior Member RollinCoal69's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MJC View Post
    The DX vs SS vs RJ vs etc. is all very YMMV.
    And they all take a few shaves (3-6) when you start out to get dialed in.
    Once you have used any of them (and learn that you need no, repeat no, pressure) the next version is a faster learn.

    DX Teak? - Very YMMV, I like the Feather because its low/easy maintenance - as in drop it in boiling water, alcohol...anything but Bleach..(stains)

    If you would like to try an SS Folding PM me - my day-glow lime green in out on loaner but I think I have a black SS folding in my Zombie kit...

    Smooth shaving..
    I don't even know how to respond to this generous offer. I will pm you to chat a bit. Thanks
    "The black smoke is just lost power"

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