Hi guys, first post.
Basically I switched over to DE 2 months ago, I started with a Muhle R89 and bought a feather ASD2 soon after and love them both. I shave daily and rarely cut myself anymore. So I've been watching and reading a lot about straight razors and the more I read the more I want, at the same time I've read great things about the feather but it didn't have the same appeal to me, however when I saw it on ebay for $161 USD / £102 and 200 pro blades for $88.80 / £56 I thought great bargain, straight razor can wait. So the razor came and I had to pay £35 import charges but zero for the blades, all in all pricing was decent The razor was brand new.

So prior to receiving the blades I practiced removing just the lather. I just had my first shave today, and am totally bummed out. I approached it very confidently but it soon disappeared. Nothing was going right, I had attempted on side of my cheek, abandoned, went to the neck then tried my other cheek at which time I was having to relather as it dried up, I cut myself twice in the process then abandoned compeltely, tided up slightly with my muhler89 and finished up. I left a lot of stubble as I was very annoyed and disheartened. I had been looking forward to this for weeks and I'm very disappointed. I'm beginning to think this was a mistake. And I tried left hand and I'm thinking using my right hand everywhere is simpler than switching hands.

What angle am I meant to hold it at? Everyone (youtube videos i've watched) says it's different to a SR so it's not 30degrees?
Any tips or advice? I'm thinking of buying the proguard blades but am a bit reluctant since I have 200 pro blades.