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Thread: How to manage the sharpness of shavettes

  1. #1
    Senior Member Whizbang's Avatar
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    Default How to manage the sharpness of shavettes

    I am a long time DE shaver. I have ordered two (Parker SR1 and Bluebeards Revenge) and am just killing time until they arrive. Been reading a lot and watching Youtube. It seems there is the issue of the razor sharp edge of a shavette that occassionally causes some problems.

    I read that some recommend starting with a Derby or other less sharp blade. Some say don't shave with the Shark blades that often come with the shavettes. I read on another forum that some run their freshly loaded blade through a cork just to take off the burrs and create a smoother shave.

    Since I have not put blade to cheek yet...I am seeking the guidance of other more experienced shavette shavers...

  2. #2
    Junior Member
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    I bought my shavette for $5 in Iraq, it came with 20 Astra blades, and due to the circumstances, I am using Wilkinson swords. With the Astra blades I could get almost three shaves out of a single blade edge... Not the most sanitary but it's not like I was sharing blades. The worst shaves were the first and third, the first because it was sharper than my experience, and the third because it was to dull to get a clean cut, so razor burn and more time was spent rubbing my face red trying to get whiskers...
    Now that I am used to it, I have been using a new blade with every shave, and I am not particular with the blade as long as it gets the job done.

    I think that the blade is and will be as good as the person operating the razor.
    Last edited by Jcoombs4; 09-15-2015 at 01:14 AM. Reason: Stupid phone
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