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Thread: Would a Shavette be a Better Option?

  1. #1
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    Default Would a Shavette be a Better Option?

    I had absolutely no clue of what a shavette was. I just Googled it. So here are my questions: I'm going to buy my girlfriend a straight razor for Christmas. She's never used a straight razor and neither have I. Would a shavette be a better way to go as opposed to a Boker King Cutter? Will a shavette give her just as smooth a shave? Can a shavette be used in identical places as a Fusion? From what I've learned so far (not a whole lot, but I'm still learning), underarms can be tricky with a straight razor. Would a shavette work on her legs and underarms?

    The benefit of a Boker King Cutter is she loves antiques. When she saw my brand spanking new straight razor about a week ago, she was intrigued by it, especially its history. I told her that her grandmother probably shaved with one, which piqued her interest all the more. So if she tried straight razor shaving and decides it's not for her, she can display it among her numerous antiques.

    My girlfriend is all about convenience, which is why she loves her Fusion. But she might change her mind were mind with the right straight razor if it gives her smoother shaves. On the other hand, I don't think she cares about smoother shaves as much as she does about convenience. And in colder months when she can wear pants more often, she's prone to cheating until hair on her legs is obvious. She is not in to au naturel, thank God. But she will cheat if she can.

  2. #2
    Senior Member BeJay's Avatar
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    I think a safety razor would probably be a better choice for her. in fact, that's more likely what her grandma shaved with. I got my wife a vintage "Lady Gillette". She really liked it but never really took to using it.
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  3. #3 JOB15's Avatar
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    A straight razor for arm pits, she would be a brave lady.

    Maybe buy her a straight for decorative purposes . Ast least with a fusion she will not bleed out

    Good luck .

  4. #4
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    Good Morning, BJ,

    You could be right about safety razors. I believe they were invented in the early 20th century, bit were not widely used until a few years later. Women didn't begin shaving until the Roaring 20's.

  5. #5
    Senior Member blabbermouth tcrideshd's Avatar
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    Her grandmother didn't uSE a straight, I,m not sure my grandmother would have and she was born in 1875, a DE is the way to go if she wants antique. Tc
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  6. #6
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    Hi JOB15,

    You've summed it up perfectly. My girlfriend always keeps herself in tip-top condition. But I can't see her spending a lot of time shaving when she can Fusion in a couple minutes without fear of cuts.

    I love the whole process of straight razor shaving. It's probably a dude thing.
    JOB15 and Detman101 like this.

  7. #7
    Senior Member blabbermouth ejmolitor37's Avatar
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    I would stay away from shavettes for your lady, they can be tricky enough on a face I can not imagine underarms and such. Between a straight and shavette the blades are not comparable IMHO. I have received worse cuts from a shavette error than any straight I have used. A straight is more forgiving I would say but I would not let my wife use one under her arms that would be a trick. Legs is no problem there is a video on Youtube about that. I would agree with these other gents DE razor, there are lots to choose from. Best of luck

  8. #8
    Senior Member RollinCoal69's Avatar
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    Definitely go DE safety razor! The lady Gillette pictured above is an awesome antique. She could display it if she never took to it. I routinely use straights and shavettes and DEs. No way I would recommend my wife using straight or shavettes under arms. However if you get her to enjoy a DE then once your experience improves you can shave her with a straight on her legs. I do this for my wife occasionally. She loves it but won't do it herself. Keep an eye out on eBay and classifieds here. May luck out an snag a lady Gillette in good shape.
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  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by BeJay View Post
    I think a safety razor would probably be a better choice for her. in fact, that's more likely what her grandma shaved with. I got my wife a vintage "Lady Gillette". She really liked it but never really took to using it.
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    That's a fine idea, that may be just what I need to get my wife started.
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  10. #10
    Senior Member IndependenceRazor1's Avatar
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    There are advantages to a shavette: not expensive, no honing/stroping, and safety razor blades are plenty sharp.
    The disadvantages are: they are small/light/unwieldy, have nasty corners, and safety razor blades are plenty sharp.
    Overall, maybe not the best choice for a beginning wet shaver to use on personal parts other than the face.
    If you are enthusiastic to proceed, best get some hands-on coaching.
    Wayne1963 likes this.
    My father was an engineer. He used to tell me that sharpening a straight razor is like trying to build a ladder to the moon out of a roll of aluminum foil.

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