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Thread: After-shave Feather SS cleaning

  1. #1
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    Default After-shave Feather SS cleaning

    I live my Feather SS, but I find a lot of cut whiskers and shaving cream gets caught in the troughs where the blade meets the holder, and just rinsing it under water never gets them all out. I usually end up having to disassemble the holding mechanism so I get that stuff cleaned out, but it's a bit annoying to have to do every time, am wondering if anyone has found a better way to get rid of that stuff (side note, there should be a name for that slurry of whiskers and used lather that one cleans off the blade; if there is one, someone should tell me what it is).

    I know I could probably get away without cleaning that stuff out, and just clean it when I change blades, but it's just so gross looking, I hate the idea of it sitting in my medicine cabinet with all that gunk on it.

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    Senior Member blabbermouth niftyshaving's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FoliageFace View Post
    I live my Feather SS, but I find a lot of cut whiskers and shaving cream
    I know I could probably get away without cleaning that stuff out, and just clean it when I change blades, but it's just so gross looking, I hate the idea of it sitting in my medicine cabinet with all that gunk on it.
    No good solution... but if you have a water pic and an old used working end
    use hot water and see if you can blast it out. Full hot tap water can get most
    of the the soap out.

    You can also pinch it open just enough that the water gets in and the blade is still captive.

    If you rinse well and do not open it except to change the blade you will not see the stubble ;-)

    They disassemble but still need a flood of water and a very soft toothbrush with
    perhaps a spritz of soap slum loosening bathroom detergent. I am OCD enough
    to worry about damage to the mechanism so avoid disassembling it often and live with
    a little bit of stubble.

    Have you tried all the sizes of feather Artist blades? If so which one do you like best?

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    That's funny, because I feel like I'm being OCD about all that gunk breeding bacteria;-). I just use the Pros, the only other kind I've tried are the pro-guards, which I actually like more than I thought I would; they are great when you are in a hurry, as you don't have to be as careful. They don't give quite as smooth Of a shave, but they are a hell of a lot more forgiving.

    I will probably try the supers at some point.

  6. #4
    Senior Member blabbermouth niftyshaving's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FoliageFace View Post
    That's funny, because I feel like I'm being OCD about all that gunk breeding bacteria;-). I just use the Pros, the only other kind I've tried are the pro-guards, which I actually like more than I thought I would; they are great when you are in a hurry, as you don't have to be as careful. They don't give quite as smooth Of a shave, but they are a hell of a lot more forgiving.

    I will probably try the supers at some point.
    I have not tried the pro-guard but have had some lessons with all three.
    Feather blades are my personal touch stone for a too sharp edge.
    Some edges are too sharp, some too dull, some just right.
    The second to fifth shave +/- with a Feather DE or Artisan is very nice then dull happens.
    Since there is no stropping I find they dull quickly enough to teach what a dull edge feels like.
    Knowing what dull is for shaving is almost more important than knowing what sharp is.

    The nice thing about the Artisan is they are well designed for being sanitized.
    I am happy to put mine in boiling water in a tall mug for ten min.
    I always have boiling hot water after making coffee which I make after shaving.

    OCD bit is odd.. it is easy to focus on one thing and miss another. I am glad you caught that string.
    All open blade shavers are OCD a little or alot and sanitation is important. Get me started on sanitation... ;-)

    Have fun...

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    I have removed the blade every time I use the Feather and have not had any problems with the unit, it's just a simple slide and catch, my experience is I like a fresh blade , so it comes out after every shave and I clean the razor that way, or remove he blade without taking it apart and you can really get it clean that way too. Tc
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    Ok, s a blast of canned air does get the majority of the gunk out of the troughs. I know it's still under the latch, but at least it's not taunting me quite so much...

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  12. #7
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    When I was using a Feather on a regular basis my post shave care is a brisk rinse under hot water and then a dunk in a container of 91% rubbing alcohol while I finish up, careful not to tap the container with the blade.
    When I change the blade (6-7 shaves with a Darco Super, 14-20 with a Feather Pro or Kai PINK) I would disassemble the razor and clean with an old tooth brush. (It does get funky with no post shave care, with the routine above it's less - but there will be grime)

    If I'm using the Feather time is probably on the agenda - so I don't remove the blade after each shave.

    And if you do remove the blade between shaves be wery wery careful...a dull Feather blade is still sharper than most of the stuff you have around the house...
    Damaging the blade is the least of your problems...
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    The alcohol dunk is a good idea
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  15. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by FoliageFace View Post
    I live my Feather SS, but I find a lot of cut whiskers and shaving cream gets caught in the troughs where the blade meets the holder, and just rinsing it under water never gets them all out. I usually end up having to disassemble the holding mechanism so I get that stuff cleaned out, but it's a bit annoying to have to do every time, am wondering if anyone has found a better way to get rid of that stuff (side note, there should be a name for that slurry of whiskers and used lather that one cleans off the blade; if there is one, someone should tell me what it is).

    I know I could probably get away without cleaning that stuff out, and just clean it when I change blades, but it's just so gross looking, I hate the idea of it sitting in my medicine cabinet with all that gunk on it.
    I find the same thing with my Art of Shaving shavette -guess it's a Dovo. I "strop" it on my Shaving towel and put it under a hot water stream. Gets a good bit out, but not all of it. I'm very very early in my shavette experience, so I appreciate the question and the answers that you're generating....

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    I have always cleaned my razors after using them. I keep a glass of Dawn dishwashing soap and hot water by the sink. Take apart the razor, place it in the glass, finish your after shave routine then take out the razor, rinse under hot water, dry with a paper towel then leave open to air dry. This works great with DE, SE and shavettes. Only takes a couple of minutes and won't damage your razors. Dawn is amazing for cleaning gunk off just about anything.

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