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Thread: Feather DX razor came in today!

  1. #1
    Special Agent Gibbs's Avatar
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    Default Feather DX razor came in today!

    My order of a Feather DX razor with black handle and 5 boxes of Feather Pro SoftGuard blades (15 ea cartridge) came in at a cost of $50.00 for the 5. Not a bad price. Shaved with the razor tonight with a new Feather ProGuard blade and then finished up with the Feather Pro Light blade. Baby Smooth!!!!! No nicks, nor irritation. Very nice razor for anyone curious about these. Reminds me of a Wedge straight razor.

    Package is all Japanese. Wish they would also include English in the packaging, but the idea is the same, and Youtube is great for visual instructions.
    ~~ Vern ~~
    I was born with nothing and managed to keep most of it.
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  2. #2
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    I like the Feather DX very much. I own both the models with resin and teakwood handles.

    They perform very well, in the beginning the blade may be somewhat harsh, but it mellows after 1-2 shaves and I can use them for about 10 shaves before I feel the need for blade replacement.

    Never felt the urge to try the Pro-Guard blade with a small wire in front of the edge.
    I either use the Professional or Professional Super blades and the difference between the two is IMO neglible.

    Work has me travel extensively and I found the Feather AC DX series a great razor when away from home, so good in fact that I use it from time to time at home when I don't have the time to strop my straights.

    IMO the Feather DX series is the closest thing to a straight razor, when you don't have the time for, or are not inclined to practice honing and stropping

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  3. #3
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    I own the SS and DX. Recently added the new SR and it is by far the best. In between the SS and DX. Less aggressive than the DX with the same weight. Have a less pronounced lip than the SS but enough to make it glide over your face irritation free.

  4. #4
    Skeptical Member Gasman's Avatar
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    Bringing up a post this old? Wow.
    But I will say I too have the SS and DX. Best Shavettes made in my opinion.
    celticcrusader likes this.
    It's just Sharpening, right?

  5. #5
    Senior Member blabbermouth tintin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gasman View Post
    Bringing up a post this old? Wow.
    But I will say I too have the SS and DX. Best Shavettes made in my opinion.
    That explains why i can't find one for $50! prices sure have gone up!
    Gasman likes this.

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