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Thread: "Modern" SR shaver?

  1. #1
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    Default "Modern" SR shaver?

    Let me preface this by saying I am someone who has no problem accepting when a given piece of technology has become obsolete, but also values tradition and has found that sometimes new technology needs to be carefully evaluated to Be sure it doesn't create more problems than it solves. Essentially, I'm always looking to combine the best of the old and the new. With that said:

    A bit over a year into my SR experience, and I have found that what works for me is a Feather AC, a synthetic brush, and skipping the mug by face lathering with shaving cream. While I will lwayse keep a couple of traditional straights, a mug, and a badger brush, and use them every now and then for kicks, the combo above seems like it combines all the best elements of the old and the new: the great shaves of an SR, real lather and wonderful feel of the brush on your skin, freedom from the tyranny of cartridges, with vastly simplified maintenance for both blade and brush, and much faster lathering. Thus I think of myself as a a "modernized" SR shaver.

    With the understanding that traditional wet shaving is all about the experience, and that everyone should use the tools that make them happy, I'm curious if anyone else has arrived at a similar place as I have.
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  2. #2
    Skeptical Member Gasman's Avatar
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    Oh, now your banned for life!
    Just kidding.
    What makes you happy in this old way of shaving is your choice. If your not into using a straight every day, your not alone. We have some that use a DE or SE more often than a straight. When you find what works for you is always better than doing whats wrong for your personnal reasons or likes.

    Now, im never picking up anything besides a straight unless my hands wont hold one safely or if i have to travel by plane with a carry-on, then i will use a DE. But to each there own.
    It's just Sharpening, right?

  3. #3
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Not a thing wrong with using what works best for you or combining old with new tech to get to that place.

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  4. #4
    Senior Member TristanLudlow's Avatar
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    Everyone can do whatever they want, it's just shaving after all.

    I don't see why anyone would give someone else grieve for something that works for them, of course plenty people do on the internetz, but they tend to be snobs among other things; and I don't see many of them around here.

    Find your jam and roll with it, to each his own

    I for one am also a fan of oldschool tools combined with modern technology
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  5. #5
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Shaving with a straight razor should never be done in a rush. It’s too pleasant a ritual to waste (and maybe a tad dangerous if you aren’t paying attention). I use a DE when I’m in a hurry or travelling by air and unable to bring my straight and I never feel guilty.
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  6. #6
    Senior Member blabbermouth tintin's Avatar
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    I feel guilty using a DE because i'm afraid my Straights will find out and have their feelings hurt.
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    I agree completely about the rushing thing, which is one of the reasons I like being able to cut down on maintenance time; it allows me to spend more time in the morning focusing on the actual shaving
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  8. #8
    Senior Member blabbermouth RezDog's Avatar
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    You will know when you are shaving properly because you will enjoy the process and have a close clean and comfortable shave.
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    One quick follow up, I want to say that the reason I like the Feather isn't just the reduced maintenance; I also just find that it gives me the most consistently awesome shave with the least amount of irritation. As far as I can tell, for my face sharper is better, and all the stars have to really be aligned for a traditional Straight To have that kind a edge.
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  10. #10
    MrZ is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by FoliageFace View Post
    One quick follow up, I want to say that the reason I like the Feather isn't just the reduced maintenance; I also just find that it gives me the most consistently awesome shave with the least amount of irritation. As far as I can tell, for my face sharper is better, and all the stars have to really be aligned for a traditional Straight To have that kind a edge.
    All the stars dont have to be aligned, you just need to have the right guy honing your straight. I had a guy honing my blades who had no idea how to do it, and it was not fun. After having Outback hone one, I know what a sharp blade really is.
    BobH, Steel and MichaelPz like this.

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