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Thread: Feather Artist Club Razor CLONE

  1. #1
    Senior Member ZipZop's Avatar
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    Default Feather Artist Club Razor CLONE


    I recently received my Feather Artist Club CLONE razor. Only $15 deliverd from China via Aliexpress, so it is much less expensive than the iconic genuine Feather Artist Club razor. I've been shaving with a genuine Feather Artist Club razor for a while and wanted to try these clones. I thought they may be good for travel, and/or my 2nd home where I'm also building a respectable shaving den.

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    First impression, the razor is very well made. It has excellent balance and good feedback for a Shavette. Most importantly, it holds genuine Feather Artist Club blades firmly and securely. That's the most important thing. I have been using Shavettes for just about as long as I have been using Straight Razors. A long time. I usually cut myself at least once per shave with a standard Shavette. I just can't get the hang of it VS a Straight, where I rarely cut myself. The Feather ProGuard Blades for the line of Artist Club are a very different story. Those ridges thy built into the ProGuard really work for me. I rarely if ever cut myself with the ProGuard blades. It puts the Feather Artist Club Shavette on par with my Straight razors. For my shaving style anyway.

    No complaints on this Feather Artist Club Clone. For only 17 percent of the cost of a genuine Feather razor, this is a good value. I have no affiliation with the company. Just posting an honest review.

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    Geezer, BobH, RezDog and 3 others like this.
    "I get some lather and lather-up, then I get my razor and shave! Zip Zop, see that? My face Is ripped to shreads!"

  2. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to ZipZop For This Useful Post:

    BobH (09-30-2020), markbignosekelly (10-01-2020)

  3. #2
    Senior Member blabbermouth markbignosekelly's Avatar
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    Thanks for the review. I've pondered about getting a clone feather too.
    Is it worth coughing up the extra dough for the Japanese Feather is the multi dollar question?
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  4. #3
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    Have they had a DX clone too?

  5. #4
    Senior Member blabbermouth Geezer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dimab View Post
    Have they had a DX clone too?
    There are a few DX clones. I enjoyed the "Kai " when I could still use a Kamisori. The Feather "Proguard" blades are a win!
    I passed my Artists Club forward, liked both Kamisori better.
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  6. #5
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    thanks for review

    how do you tell the difference between DX SS KAI clones on aliexpress?

  7. #6
    Senior Member blabbermouth Geezer's Avatar
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    I cannot say, they have been known for popup distributors using copied photos. Ask the original poster.
    The early Feathers had a different bevel and were plated brass.
    Good hunting!
    Gasman, ZipZop and biglou13 like this.
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  8. #7
    Senior Member ZipZop's Avatar
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    True enough. It's hard to get consistency on AliExpress with all the pop-ups that copy original vendors and photos. I was actually shocked with the quality of my Feather Artist Club Clone. I honestly didn't expect much, and was blown away by the quality. I agree with @Geezer. The Feather Artist Club ProGuard blades are the key IMO. Any razor that holds these blades securely is just fine by me.

    To answer the question posed earlier in the thread, for ME (opinion of course), I would not spend the difference between my clone and a genuine Feather Artist Club razor. This is an honest opinion since I own both. However, as we just mentioned, it can be a bit of a crap shoot on getting a decent model from AliExpress. If you get one that does NOT hold the blade securely, then you will be disappointed.
    The one I have is very good on quality through and through and holds the blade like a vice. Just like the original.

    The vendor I used (Sapphoo Store) is HERE if it helps anyone:

    Last edited by ZipZop; 10-04-2020 at 08:50 PM.
    "I get some lather and lather-up, then I get my razor and shave! Zip Zop, see that? My face Is ripped to shreads!"

  9. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by ZipZop View Post

    True enough. It's hard to get consistency on AliExpress with all the pop-ups that copy original vendors and photos. I was actually shocked with the quality of my Feather Artist Club Clone. I honestly didn't expect much, and was blown away by the quality. I agree with @Geezer. The Feather Artist Club ProGuard blades are the key IMO. Any razor that holds these blades securely is just fine by me.

    To answer the question posed earlier in the thread, for ME (opinion of course), I would not spend the difference between my clone and a genuine Feather Artist Club razor. This is an honest opinion since I own both. However, as we just mentioned, it can be a bit of a crap shoot on getting a decent model from AliExpress. If you get one that does NOT hold the blade securely, then you will be disappointed.
    The one I have is very good on quality through and through and holds the blade like a vice. Just like the original.

    The vendor I used (Sapphoo Store) is HERE if it helps anyone:

    lucky me i ordered a folder from same seller you linked but in green handle. i own a feather ss kami cant wait to compare.
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  10. #9
    Senior Member ZipZop's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by biglou13 View Post
    lucky me i ordered a folder from same seller you linked but in green handle. i own a feather ss kami cant wait to compare.
    Aloha! A green handle sounds nice. I'd actually prefer that myself. Please post a pic when you get it. Hopefully yours will be as good as mine is. We don't know if quality consistency is good, but let's hope so. I have been shaving with mine about every other day to try and see if any defects develop. So far, nothing. Let us know how yours compares when you get it. For the money (VS genuine Feather Artist Club), I'm still quite impressed. Let's hope this good impression continues for a year or two.

    I just posted this in the shave of the day. My shave today with the Feather Clone. Smooth and comfortable thanks to the genuine feather ProGuard blade. But the clone razor holds the blade like a vice so I'm happy.

    Name:  IMG_1408.jpg
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    "I get some lather and lather-up, then I get my razor and shave! Zip Zop, see that? My face Is ripped to shreads!"

  11. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by ZipZop View Post
    Aloha! A green handle sounds nice. I'd actually prefer that myself. Please post a pic when you get it. Hopefully yours will be as good as mine is. We don't know if quality consistency is good, but let's hope so. I have been shaving with mine about every other day to try and see if any defects develop. So far, nothing. Let us know how yours compares when you get it. For the money (VS genuine Feather Artist Club), I'm still quite impressed. Let's hope this good impression continues for a year or two.

    I just posted this in the shave of the day. My shave today with the Feather Clone. Smooth and comfortable thanks to the genuine feather ProGuard blade. But the clone razor holds the blade like a vice so I'm happy.

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    i'm looking forward to the folder. ive gotten decent shaves with feather ss kamisori style but my kami skills are lacking. it should arrive some time this week

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