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Thread: Shavette tips for a beginner

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Default Shavette tips for a beginner

    I am not an expert in shavette at all, but I have used 5 or 6 different ones for several years.

    Here are my tips for a beginner:

    1. Blade format. I strongly suggest to try with an AC blade format. They are wide and very nice. The ones to start at first should be a Feather Proguard or a Kai protouch. These two blades have a certain wire at sides and make these blades to not bite.

    If you want to try a de blade then try to cut or dull the blade corners.

    2. Razor type. I would say to invest a little in the beginning and try to get a model from AliExpress. There are some clones of Feather or Kai razors. See first if you enjoy the AC format in a shavette, then jump to an original one like Feather Ss or Sr or Kai CAPTAIN.

    3. Lather type. Simple try to put it in a form like water in your skin.

    4. Technique. Try to go as much as your confidence allows you in the beginning. More you have shave, more you will discover your style. Try to learn to shave with both hands. After 100 shaves you will be totally in control of a shavette style.

    This is all. It is very basic but hope it helps someone to try a shavette style of shaving.
    Last edited by GoReds; 06-02-2022 at 12:38 PM.

  2. #2
    Junior Member
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    How do you cut disposable blades?
    Have you ever tried a shave with a cold razor?

  3. #3
    Skeptical Member Gasman's Avatar
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    I shave with a cold razor every summer. I enjoy the cool feel. And cutting DE is as simple as grabbing some scissors. Or if you want half a blade then fold it in half. It will snap.
    It's just Sharpening, right?

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