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Thread: Trouble Shaving Face Air
07-30-2013, 09:13 AM #1
Trouble Shaving Face Air
I have had a 1000 Razor cleaned and honed by professional Guy. before I shaved with it I tried it on my arm/chest hairs first cut them no problem but when I went to shave on my face had great problem cutting the face hair I tried different angles and pressures but still had to keep going over the face again it but it still felt rough. Can someone tell me where I am going wrong I do not thing it is the sharpness of the blade as the guy who does it is "Invisible Edge" so it has got to be me I think. Please help do not want to go back to D/E
07-30-2013, 10:14 AM #2
i bought a razor personally honed by him and when it arrived it had a chip in it so got it refunded. i did a little looking around and i think he has quite a few unhappy customers but also some really happy ones. hopefully at the moment though your technique just needs more practise