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Thread: Went back Old Skool Gents

  1. #1
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    Default Went back Old Skool Gents

    I've been SR shaving for about 5 years now. About 2 years ago when my wife moved in to my shave den I had to share space and pare down some of my gear. One of the things I stored was the two pack razors named CE Hill or some such. These were quite literally my first straight razors that I learned on and spent the good part of a year learning on. I stored them because of the other better named razors which I got. I only have around 5 so I should have kept them out with such a small collection. Anyway, on a whim I grabbed them out and used them yesterday.

    OMG I quite literally had the best shave in a probably a year. I normally have really good BBS shaves but this one was so far beyond my others I couldn't believe it. So smooth and so close I had to keep looking in the mirror to make sure I was still touching my jaw and not my ass.

    So I don't know if it was the muscle memory or what but let me tell you these babies have earned their way back in the rotation! Felt awesome! Amazing that something so simple has such a profound impact on my mind set.

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  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Welcome back to the fold

    Why did you end up drifting away from SR's?

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryan82 View Post
    Welcome back to the fold

    Why did you end up drifting away from SR's?
    Actually I didn't move away from SR's I just stored those two originals because I thought I had better razors with my others and I needed the space. No I don't think that I could ever give up this method of shaving.

  4. #4
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    Ah, I obviously misunderstood.

    Congrats nonetheless.

  5. #5
    Senior Member JimBC's Avatar
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    " I had to keep looking in the mirror to make sure I was still touching my jaw and not my ass." Laughed my 'butt' off! Now we gotta figure out why it shaves better. Humm. Happy shaving.

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