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Thread: How many people like the skinny blades.(4/8 or less)

  1. #31
    barba crescit caput nescit Phrank's Avatar
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    I actually was surprised at how much I liked the 4/8th blades. Got these off E-Bay, impulsive buy, thought they were 5/8th, turned out they were 4/8 and when I used them, they were spectacular.

    When I use these Wilkinson Sword Pall Mall's, I always know I'm going to get a great shave, these are keepers for me.

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  2. #32
    lobeless earcutter's Avatar
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    I started with a little Dovo 4/8. I ventured into larger blades... they hang on the wall for show now.

    That was a while ago - I have more than a few 4/8's now. I use them exclusively.

    I agree that they are light on their feet. Agile I guess you could say. And yes the best part is they aren't as popular so you can get them for a song compared to the larger blades.

    I'll never understand why people say they are harder to strop than a larger blade or harder to use. I actually find the larger blades harder to strop and use now (yeah I'll pull one off the wall about every 6 months and give it a run lol). It's just a matter of feel. Once you have it down, it's like anything - easy. I have a hard "er" time with the larger blades now for the same reason I think many claim the smaller blades are hard to use - because I hardly ever use them. It's a different experience - one worth trying I figure. But if you like em big... you like em big.

    Oh and though shaking my hand might not resemble shaking a bunch of banana's... I don't have small hands either lol. So that's not it.

    I still use my little Dovo "Best" to this day. I wish they still made them. I would buy another 6 and make myself a little seven day set. It's a great shave !
    Last edited by earcutter; 10-31-2013 at 01:49 AM.
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