Quote Originally Posted by Razorfaust View Post
Well straight shaving is not outwardly apparent. I cant see how any one can say "Hey that guy is using a straight razor hes got some class" It just doesn't happen. For me its personal just one of the very few ways I get to pamper myself. The very act of using one turns something that used to be a mundane PIA into something I look forward to and relish. By modern standards its an antiquated process only troglodytes would engage in, but how many men would say they wish their beard would grow faster. Its good fun lights up my day and wants me longing for more. Shame people don't know that.
Razorfaust, you should try the new pickup line " Hi, Razorfaust, and I use a straight razor. Do you use a DE your arms are smoother than a disposable. All my peeps call me BBS" :-p