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Thread: Razors good or bad

  1. #1
    rhensley rhensley's Avatar
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    Default Razors good or bad

    Are there some razors no mater who made them no mater how sharp that just don't shave right. I have this one razor that was made by a noted maker. honed by a re-noun hone master stropped right and still leaves me bloody. I have shaved with this razor 2 times and I believe I need a transfusion. the other razors I use are not this bad. they were all honed by the same person so I know its right. I shave every other day. some times 3-4 days. do I need to find this blade a new home the razor looks good even thought its quite old. now it might be me. I've back at the straight razors for a few months now. any ideas

  2. #2
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    When you say "I have shaved with this razor 2 times and I believe I need a transfusion. the other razors I use are not this bad" do you mean you are outing yourself with the others too just not quite as bad? If that is the case maybe it is technique related?

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  3. #3
    Senior Member MattCB's Avatar
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    Is it a different "type" of straight? Full wedge vs. hollow, spike point versus rounded, 9/8 vs. 4/8? All of the above?
    The older I get the more I realize how little I actually know.

  4. #4
    rhensley rhensley's Avatar
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    the other razors some times gets a bump. miner seep from the bump. nothing that the safety razors didn't do in the past. I had a problem at first with the points so now I use mostly round points. I have managed to get quite a few razors but only use 6 of them. trying to find the ones that work well and will probably sell the rest or just store them in the safe. I have a few d ducks, bokers , bismarks. two of the best I have and give almost no problem is two Sheffield's. I know that my tec. is not up to the long time users but I am getting better. it does take me longer to get the job done than most I guess but then again i'm never in a hurry anymore. I have had this razor since the late 70's and it had never been honed I guess because I had never heard the name before I never had it honed. then I found the name in a list of known makers and thought i'd try it. when I started back I had it honed. the 2 times I've shaved with it seems I have to make more passes against the grain to get all the stubble gone. face gets burn and it's a bloody mess.

  5. #5
    rhensley rhensley's Avatar
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    the razor is full hollow and 6/8 it was made some times between 1922-1932. its German. since it's probably me i'll say the name World master by otto bush.

  6. #6
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Dunno, I have an Otto Busch World Master the same size that performs very well no problems. Are the Sheffields you like and have no trouble with heavier grinds than full hollow grind?

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  7. #7
    rhensley rhensley's Avatar
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    the one I like best is a 7/8 1/4 grind. shaves good. the other is a 6/8 full hollow and it shaves good. the 7/8 is a barber point and the 6/8 is round point. like I said it probably is me I guess I need to keep at it and get a transfusion. I think next time I use it i'll wait 4 days and see if that helps. I do like the heaver blades one of my ducks is a 7/8 round point and I like it. I got into straights heavy so I have a few to ck out.

  8. #8
    Senior Member blabbermouth RezDog's Avatar
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    maybe you just need to bench that one and bring it back later. If you have a selection it seems logical that you would shave with the ones that are the easiest to use. Don't fight with your razor. Pull it from rotation and get back to it in a few months or weeks.

  9. #9
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    That's a very reputable brand, I'm not sure it's the razor. As much as I hate to say it the problem might be you.

    RezDog said it best: perhaps it would be best to shelf this one for a while and come back to it in a few weeks.

  10. #10
    Senior Member JimBC's Avatar
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    So far for me, it seems that different razors have different personalities. Different techniques for different razors. I agree on setting aside untill fresh minded to try again. I sometimes get "mind tracked" into a certain technique with a certain razor, and need to lay it back till I can clear my mind to try again. Happy shavin'.

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