Day Two - My findings so far

It's funny what we get used to. Although my skin does feel moisturised and smooth I do miss "clean" feel of a freshly shaved with soap face. I like to face lather usually so I am missing the exfoliating scrub a good brush gives you, it's just not the same rubbing oil into your face. I miss the hot and cold splashes, the application of Alum, the various balms and splashes.

I guess I'm missing my products and my Wee Scott too, which is a little sad on my part, but a strong feeling I have none the less.

It make's me wonder how much of my shaving routine is simple habit? I guess owning all these products and razors is a luxury, a hobby of sorts. Even if I did find the best way to shave for my skin, would I change to it solely? Are we fooling ourselves that we are looking for the ultimate shave and skin care? or are we simply enjoying the feeling that different products give us? I know I can't wait for the postie to arrive with a new soap etc. The anticipation is as good as the act isn't it?

For example I love face lathering, not because it saves me time, but because of the up close smells and the feel of the brush that I like. I love the sting of aftershave even though long term it's not good for my skin., if my skin didn't dry out I would do this every day (I envy those that can) I love when a cologne lasts all day or when someone comments. I like testing different products and making a top 10 list. Are we searching out experiences or are we searching out the best all round way to shave?

I'm going to keep going with the oil shaving to see where it takes me. Will it be an everyday shave, a once a week "deep moisturising" session, regular pre-shave???? who knows but even if it is the best method ever found will I stick to it???

Tell me what are your thoughts about your routine?