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Thread: Shaving With Glasses

  1. #1
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    Default Shaving With Glasses

    Hello Gents!

    I'm not sure about everyone's vision, but mine is pretty poor, and I have to use glasses to shave with my Dovo until I can get ahold of some more contact lenses. Whenever I get to my neck area, stretching the skin by looking up usually means that I can no longer see the razor clearly and so I'm stuck with only a so-so shave. Would it be better to just not be able to see my neck and try to "feel" the razor, or should I sacrifice skin stretching so I can see what I'm doing. Disclaimer: I am pretty new to straight razor shaving and I love it! Is there any techniques or tricks you all can think of to get around this issue??

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  2. #2
    There is no charge for Awesomeness Jimbo's Avatar
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    I'm only half-joking here, but for that part of your shave is it possible to just move your glasses down your face?


    EDIT: PS, welcome to SRP!
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  3. #3
    Moderator Razorfeld's Avatar
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    I am going to assume that you are near sighted and have a bi-focal correction in your glasses. That is my situation. I solved it by getting a second pair of my computer glasses for the bathroom. They are ground just for my bi-focal correction. They have solved my neck shaving problem. The only time I go without glasses is shaving my side burn areas, after which I put them back on. I hope this helps.
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  4. #4
    Senior Member blabbermouth edhewitt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JoshKincaid View Post
    Hello Gents!

    I'm not sure about everyone's vision, but mine is pretty poor, and I have to use glasses to shave with my Dovo until I can get ahold of some more contact lenses. Whenever I get to my neck area, stretching the skin by looking up usually means that I can no longer see the razor clearly and so I'm stuck with only a so-so shave. Would it be better to just not be able to see my neck and try to "feel" the razor, or should I sacrifice skin stretching so I can see what I'm doing. Disclaimer: I am pretty new to straight razor shaving and I love it! Is there any techniques or tricks you all can think of to get around this issue??

    Hi josh, I cant remember the title of the thread, but there was this exact topic on it, razorfeld contributed, so hopefully he will pick up this thread and lend a hand.
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  5. #5
    Senior Member blabbermouth Leatherstockiings's Avatar
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    I use a combination of looking and feel when shaving those hard to see spots. I have to take my glasses off to get to the upper checks. I use a very light touch then because everything is blurry.

  6. #6
    Senior Member ecormier's Avatar
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    Have you seen this ?

  7. #7
    Senior Member deepweeds's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by edhewitt View Post
    Hi josh, I cant remember the title of the thread, but there was this exact topic on it, razorfeld contributed, so hopefully he will pick up this thread and lend a hand.
    I recall it too. I'll bet if you did a site search (see the search box above) for "glasses" (or even "nearsighted"?) you'd find the bread quickly.

    The longer you shave, the more you can do safely by feel. I started with glasses, but they're a little dangerous in their own right: at least, they distracted me and got in the way.
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  8. #8
    Senior Member Wayne1963's Avatar
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    I wear tri-focals and in the beginning I had the same problem. You'll "get a feel for it" after a while, and the glasses won't be a problem.

  9. #9
    Senior Member sinnfein's Avatar
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    Back when I wore glasses (army fixed my eyes, best thing ever), I just took them off to shave, my vision was horrible at the time so it was mostly just a blurry blob in the mirror when I was shaving. Just kind of did it partly by feel

  10. #10
    Senior Member UAcowboy's Avatar
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    I don't wear corrective lenses and i have only been using a straight for about a year but just remember that as far a stretching the skin it doesn't matter how silly you might look(or feel you look anyway) if you can use your off hand to pull the skin down you may not need to tilt your head up. at least to the point you can no longer see.

    Other than that my engineering side would suggest a very elaborate mirror setup.

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