I want to thank ForestryProf for the very sharp razor he sold me. It was honed very nicely. A lot better than the new Dovo straight out of the box that was suspose to be shave ready. Now I have something to compare it too.
I woke up this evening (I work night) and took a good hot shower
Using Colonel Conk shaving soap, built the lather on my face
Went to town with the nice, sharp razor
On the first pass, I went down on the face and neck
Relathered, and then went up on the face and neck
There was no pullin like when I was using the Dovo
After the shave, rinsed off with hot water. Followed up with cold water.
After analyzing my shave, I realized I could hit the chin and lower neck a little better. But not to bad as far as first shave goes. I just do not want to have any razor burn. I took this first shave to carefully keep my angle @30 degrees or less, whip up a good lather, and not push to hard on the skin.
Maybe not the best post as far as a shave goes, but I am hooked.
Thanks for all the info on this subject.
SSG Bryan Arnold