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  • 5 Post By cubancigar2000
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Thread: Best shave evers

  1. #1
    Senior Member cubancigar2000's Avatar
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    Default Best shave evers

    I am 72 so am not a newby to wet shaving by any means. However I have only recently switched to a SR and am now on my 119th shave. In the last 20 shaves or so I have had some really wonderful shaving experiences that I rate at a solid 10 - 11+. ( I keep a dairy in Excel) Today I really went the extra mile. I refreshened a Freidel Koch 6/8 razor from a 7 day set on the 8K, then 12K. Next I stropped 15 times on the linen and 75 on the Tony Miller leather. I also spent an unusual amount of time prepping. I heated towels and applied to my face for several minutes, then put my scuttle in the micro on high for 3 minutes, then I made my lather ( savon le pere Lucien) and I made it very hot and wet. Next I prepped the face with Coral Skin food . Next I lathered up with a very hot and wet lather that was dripping into the sink because it was so wet. After a couple minutes I thickened the lather in the scuttle and re lathered and commenced to shave keeping my scuttle covered with a towel to retain the heat. The blade glided across my face like a knife through butter. It took zero effort to cut across the grain and in areas that are normally very tough going. I have an area at my lower cheek and chin line that always takes a DE to get the right finish. Not today! I ended up with the best BBS I have ever had.

    So I tried to put into perspective how this all happened. Was it the blade or the soap or the prep. Even though I had my blade in perfect shave ready condition and the soap is the best soap I have ever used bar none, I still believe the prep was the biggest key. Everything was aligned just right. Now if I can just do it again LOL Aint this shaving with a SR fun, trust me it can be. Sorry for the long winded post, just hoping it may help another newby so they don't give up before they get to the finish line.
    Last edited by cubancigar2000; 05-07-2014 at 04:16 PM.
    rodb, pfries, RezDog and 2 others like this.
    One tired old Marine- semper fi, god bless all vets

  2. The Following User Says Thank You to cubancigar2000 For This Useful Post:

    Neckbone (05-07-2014)

  3. #2
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    You just achieved my goal with an idea how I can do it too. thanks

  4. #3
    Senior Member cubancigar2000's Avatar
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    Good Luck neckbone! It will happen if you keep at it
    One tired old Marine- semper fi, god bless all vets

  5. #4
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Sometimes things just click and you don't know why.

    I recall when I first started I had real issues with my chin and as I approached the bottom of my chin my blood would turn cold and out came the DE. One day I just ran the razor over and around my chin no problem. What happened? Search me if I know but from that day forward the chin was a piece of cake.
    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

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