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Thread: ATG Finally!

  1. #1
    Senior Member RollinCoal69's Avatar
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    Default ATG Finally!

    So when I started with a straight I decided to follow all the advice i got on here pretty strictly.After several shaves just cheeks wtg I progressed on an on. Tonight I made the decision to slowly try atg. No big deal with a DE but a bit intimidating with a straight. I started an was going well. Kept at it an just finished my first complete wtg xtg atg all with a straight! Excited an what a excellent shave! Huge thanks to every one of you that have helped me along the way.

  2. #2
    Senior Member blabbermouth RezDog's Avatar
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    Nice. i applaud your patience and your ability to not rush in. Those are difficult for me.
    It's not what you know, it's who you take fishing!

  3. #3
    Senior Member RollinCoal69's Avatar
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    It wasnt easy but I learned the hard way with a DE. I rushed to get that bbs an burned myself up! This shave is the best to date with a straight. Very much a step in the right direction.

  4. #4
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    Could you please share the challenges and what you did to over come those challenges?

    Thanks. Jake.

  5. #5
    Member eezee's Avatar
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    Yesterday and today were my first two shaves with an ATG pass. i found it exhilarating! Hope your was just as exciting.

    Congratulations on taking the Neastea plunge!
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  6. #6
    Senior Member RollinCoal69's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by snakyjake View Post
    Could you please share the challenges and what you did to over come those challenges?

    Thanks. Jake.
    Well not any where near an expert so my advice may be off. That being said I am a long time DE wet shaver. So I already had the basics of making a good lather, stretching skin, angle an how it feels when its right. I think the largest challenges for me were stropping (still not a pro) an just basic handling of a different razor. The learning to be smooth an making precise movements was tough. Especially with my left hand. Was a bit shaky at first. I feel pretty good about my wtg & xtg strokes. So that was why I made the decision to try atg. The advice an help offered here was a huge help. I am glad I didn't just grab a straight an not saying I haven't nicked myself a few times cause I have. Got both ears in one week. That sucked! But like anything else, being persistent an practicing has helped a lot. Just stick with it an it will reward. This past shave was THE best I have done. Ready to go again!
    pfries likes this.

  7. #7
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    I'm a few months in now and frankly my shaves are not any better than a DE but the satisfaction level is much higher. It takes more than twice as long to shave with a straight but I feel like I've accomplished something that few people are capable of doing well. And the fact that I'm shaving on an edge that *I* maintain and am responsible for adds to the satisfaction. It's the self-reliant aspect of it that I really enjoy.

  8. #8
    Senior Member RollinCoal69's Avatar
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    Cory I honestly think if I had to start from scratch I also would be no where near where I am. Like you I take pride in maintaining my gear. I haven't stepped into the honing an sharpening processes yet simply because I want to get the use of the razor down first. Then I plan on moving forward with the honing side of this addiction. As far as shaves getting better its really just a time an practice thing. When I started with a DE I rushed to get that BBS. The experience was horrible an I almost quit. Then I started watching you tube vids an tutorials an found I was using way to much pressure. Now I can rip a DFS out no problem with my DE's. Still VERY slow though with a straight an that is just fine by me. Enjoy the entire process. Stick with it an do the homework to learn. So worth it.
    Chevhead likes this.

  9. The Following User Says Thank You to RollinCoal69 For This Useful Post:

    coryschmidt (05-13-2014)

  10. #9
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    It's hard to be patient for things to click. As Tom Petty says, "the waiting is the hardest part."
    RollinCoal69 likes this.

  11. #10
    Member OldSalt's Avatar
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    Hi Guys!

    I admire your patience. I went atg from the beginning and yes, I had razor burn to go with it. I still kept going because atg is as close as you can get imo.

    Take good care of your Razor and you won't have to touch it up for quite awhile. I once honed my Razor and was happy with the HHT. Then on the first shave with it the next morning, while moving my stretching hand around, I managed to smack the edge on my finger nail. That dulled about half an inch of the edge, which took me back to the stones that evening.

    Just keep on going and take care. Speed comes with practice. I'm at 20 Min. for 3 passes right now, no matter if Straight or Safety.


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