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Thread: Established Routes

  1. #11
    Fatty Boom Boom WW243's Avatar
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    My most colorful pass is on the right side from below sideburn to center of chin....done by looping left hand over head and yanking back the years of slightly loose skin (read simply: loose skin)....for me this pass requires the most attention because if I lose the line the razor should take I could easily remove flesh.....thinking about it, it is kind of a funny method as when I go ATG on my right side cheek area I simply grab my ear with my right hand and with razor in left hand move fluidly right to left.
    "Call me Ishmael"

  2. #12
    Shaveurai Deckard's Avatar
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    I'm a three passer, sometimes four on special occasions like valentines day ( I need at least 2 days growth for this though).

    1st pass: WTG
    2nd pass: XTG
    3rd pass: ATG.

    I always scythe and stretch in all three directions. As for directions it depends on the direction your whiskers grow but I apply the above for mine.

  3. #13
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Quote Originally Posted by Haroldg48 View Post
    Thanks Bob, that gves me something to look forward to!
    It won't take two years to find a routine but you should be settled in inside of 6 months or so for sure. There is always a little experimentation here and there though to fine tune things a bit. Still haven't cut the passes back from 4 though.

    Life is a terminal illness in the end

  4. #14
    Customized Birnando's Avatar
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    I suppose I have managed to map my face out pretty good after my years in this sport.
    That said, there are still moments where I find a new and improved way of handling whiskers in problem-areas.
    Experimenting and reaching for improvements at all times is both fun and useful.
    And naturally, an edge is never 100% the same every day, nor is the prep or products used.
    For those of us with a few razors in our rotation, they too add to the variation.
    Seems I tend to use a heavy Sheffield or a Big custom slightly different from say a ⅝ singing hollow

    Another cool thing to me still, is razor-meets and having people over.
    There is always new stuff to learn, be it from a novice or an expert.
    WW243 and Warpiper like this.
    Um, all of them, any of them that have been in front of me over all these years....

  5. #15
    Senior Member blabbermouth RezDog's Avatar
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    I have a two pass shave that is pretty routine. I do vary it a little here and there trying to get closer on my throat, which is the last hold out on getting it pretty sweet in two passes. I do have a three pass shave I run if I'm trying extra hard to get the wife to fondle my face, or if I have exceptional growth.
    WW243 and tcrideshd like this.
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