Earlier in the week I posted two questions, kinda taking my own little survey. One was, Ow may many menbers use a third pass and the other was - How much time do you spend on Prep.

Most respones came out to be a little time on prep a and 2 1/2 passes with the razor. Or faces may feel smooth but they must be made of leather. Think about it.

Most guys said little time on prep because they had no time but they have time to relather and shave again and then do touch up.

Why don't we try a little experiment. I'm thinking of the 1800's when the men had to shave with a straight.. Correct me if I'm wrong but a lot of prep, steaming towels, lather, another towel. ONE PASS and a touch up.

Try it for a week. I guess ll really have to concentrate on the first pass and not say I'm going to do another pass anyway.

Let me know.