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Thread: A guy's guide to sharing shaving!

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  1. #1
    Seeking Shaving Zen Prahston's Avatar
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    Great advice, great article... Just one question... This strange word, "sharing", that you use... What does that mean?

    On a more serious note... I got my oldest daughter DE Shaving a few weeks back and she loves it and now sports a '71 English Knack. My youngest has no interest at the moment but we have a 'Donor/Trial' '68 Knack for when she is ready. Currently working on my Wife... She has watched a few of the Videos out there and seems to be interested. We will see...

    For me, it is always a balance of me getting into stuff and then, if my Wife shows interest, getting her own gear set up... We are just galaxies away far apart in how we care for our gear... So, I have to have my stuff, her stuff and my "Her Spare Stuff" stash for when she lunches something. Weird, I know... But, it's been working for close to 28 years so I'm fairly disinclined to change anything at this point.

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  2. #2
    Senior Member blabbermouth 1OldGI's Avatar
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    Years and years ago when I first walked away from the Mach Whatever and quit buying replacement cartridges, SWMBO was using cheap plastic disposables for a while. As you might expect, lots of ingrowns and not a very comfortable shave. It didn't take her long to appropriate one of my DE razors.

    The first big hurdle was to convince her that she couldn't shave in the shower, leave the razor sitting in a pool of water and expect it to perform well the next time she picked it up. The next hurdle (one we still sometimes struggle with) you can, and probably should, change the blade if it tugs or isn't comfortable. And no, you can't use one blade for six months worth of shaving. Her current go-to is my Merkur Slant. I haven't converted her into a full blown shave freak. She'll have nothing to do with a straight.

    I'm thinking I like that. I've shared (or outright given) her everything else that I own. I don't think it's out of line to want at least one thing of my own. If that turns out to be a straight razor then that's OK.
    Last edited by 1OldGI; 11-10-2014 at 11:51 AM.
    The older I get, the better I was

  3. #3
    Tradesman s0litarys0ldier's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 1OldGI View Post
    The first big hurdle was to convince her that she couldn't shave in the shower, leave the razor sitting in a pool of water and expect it to perform well the next time she picked it up. The next hurdle (one we still sometimes struggle with) you can, and probably should, change the blade if it tugs or isn't comfortable. And no, you can't use one blade for six months worth of shaving.
    Story of my life. I've tried to talk to my girlfriend about it but she's only 19. Age may not have anything to do with it but i think it might in this case. She has no interest whatsoever because she can't bring it in the shower, leave it soaking wet and pick it up the next day. It's too much work yet I always catch her peeking with interest when i am doing something with my razor. She is intrigued by my straights. *sigh* One day I hope to convert her to a DE but then again I would have to learn how to use one myself...

  4. #4
    Senior Member blabbermouth engine46's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by S0LITARYS0LDIER View Post
    Story of my life. I've tried to talk to my girlfriend about it but she's only 19. Age may not have anything to do with it but i think it might in this case. She has no interest whatsoever because she can't bring it in the shower, leave it soaking wet and pick it up the next day. It's too much work yet I always catch her peeking with interest when i am doing something with my razor. She is intrigued by my straights. *sigh* One day I hope to convert her to a DE but then again I would have to learn how to use one myself...
    I know you don't want to use a DE but since she is "peeking", she's interested is what you're up to. Apparently she knows it must be a good thing for you to be using a straight razor. Have you ever tried to introduce her to the Ladies Corner on here? Maybe it might interest her. I would say to get her a DE for Christmas but you know her better than anyone. You need to convince her that those "other" razors aren't as good from the store around the corner & also maybe you should introduce her the Ladies section on SRD which is the very first option on there. You could really show her that ladies come first especially on SRD & even on here. Plus there are shaving & grooming products for the ladies. There are a few products for the Ladies on SRD. On SRD, they only have DE's for them but on this forum, there are ladies using straights! The Ladies Corner is one of the first links on here too other than the Beginners! You should give it a try if you haven't yet & see what she says or thinks................
    If she likes DE's but doesn't always want to change out the blades then do it for her. Take it out of the shower everyday & dry it off with the canned air for computers. That's how I dry the pivot off on my straight when it gets wet. Better yet, get in the shower with her & shave her legs for her with your straight. She might like it & things might even go further..................
    You never know. I just thought I would give my two cents.............
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  5. #5
    Senior Member blabbermouth Steel's Avatar
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    Some women are going to be naturally excited about a DE or straight. Some will NEVER use one no matter what. Then you have the ones that are on the fence and hesitant and THIS is the group that this book will be handy for. Excellent response to a common question/problem.
    Prahston and engine46 like this.
    What a curse be a dull razor; what a prideful comfort a sharp one

  6. #6
    Member Tymus's Avatar
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    I am so fortunate to have a partner that actually shows genuine interest in my lifestyle/hobby. She adores her safety razor and always remarks on how she feels pampered and relaxed after her shave. Sharing an interest in all things classic wet-shaving has brought us that much closer. This is something that all couples could benefit from if they're open to trying it. In short, get your shave on together, and then some!
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  7. #7
    Senior Member cubancigar2000's Avatar
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    My wife decided that if I was getting as much enjoyment shaving that she could too. She is now on her 4th month of using a straight on her legs once a week. She loves it
    engine46 likes this.
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  8. #8
    aka shooter74743 ScottGoodman's Avatar
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    Thank you for taking the time to put together this tutorial.
    Southeastern Oklahoma/Northeastern Texas helper. Please don't hesitate to contact me.
    Thank you and God Bless, Scott

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