After reading this thread I got an idea.

A single pass shave ATG. It reduces your strokes by a large factor. And provided you have a sharp razor it should work.

So I've been testing it.

My last 2 shaves have been ATG only, single passes, With a touch up on water.

The razors used so far have been a:

Muller Bismarck 6/8 full hollow using Body shop maca root and a
Muller Bismarck 7/8 German extra hollow on ingram cream (uk cheapo menthol).

Both shaves have been as good as my regular 3 pass shave. With no irritation.

Both razors were freshly honed for the test.

1K king, 5, 8, 12K Naniwa SS. Thuringian Light green, Thuringian yellow green slurry on neutral hone.

100 laps on leather.

I plan to do more shaves like this with the rest of my razors to see if this has just been a fluke. So far no problems.

The next razors on the block will be:

Muller bismarck 5/8 full hollow.
Dovo bismarck 6/8
Joseph rodgers 7/8 near wedge
Jospeph Elliot 6/8 near wedge

And the real tests:

Astra (no brand) 5/8 full hollow
Artemis 7/8 Full hollow RSO.

I'll keep updating this when I shave to see how this progresses.