Howdy gang! So I have been a sponge, soaking up knowledge and patiently learning the ropes. I can get an ok shave but still not as smooth, consistent, or as comfortable as using a DE (as to be expected starting out). I cannot get a bbs with a DE without lots of irritation and ingrowns anyways (been shaving with a DE since 2009), but I can easily get a DFS with DE, and am making progress with the straight.

Here is my issue. I have a tough and coarse beard that lays flat on my skin. The hairs themselves are very thick and stiff. I am fairly fair (not pale) with light brown hair but my facial hair is almost black in the really bad areas (chin down to base of neck) and you can still see it even when shaved flush with the skin. My skin is kind of dry, oily, and sensitive. Doh!

When shaving, I have been practicing using as little of blade angle as possible with the spine against the skin. This is with a new and freshly honed Aust from SRD. With no angle a lot of the hair just laughs as the blade literally slides off WTG. I can increase angle until it cuts, but it almost starts pulling a little at that point, or i can feel the blade uncomfortably slide against the skin (like a scrape). I always do a N to S WTG pass first to reduce stubble as XTG or ATG is impossible with out reduction. Going XTG or ATG, the blade literally wont move agaisnt the hair except on the cheeks which are pretty easy to shave. On the chin it often sticks even WTG. This is using the spine on skin technique for blade angle XTG and ATG. Sometimes a little bit of blade bluffing works, but it is risky. I cant really go ATG when DE shaving either unless I use some Hydrolast products (very slick and fast but expensive and a PITA to lather). The same thing happens with the DE in terms of sticking ATG or XTG.

My prep involves a hot shower and face wash and conditioning with Mane and Tail. I think I can rule out the blade as well. I bought it new from SRD, shaved a bunch, chipped it and had it fixed by SRD. The first go around I stropped after receiving the blade. Second time it was honed due to the chip, I didn't hone it to see if my stropping was the issue. It felt the same and actually felt better after stropping. Post shave treatment includes a alum block, witch hazel and essential oil splash, and hydrolast conditioner (amazing stuff).

I have read endless guides, and tried different techniques I have seen in various posts, but the beard still triumphs. Am I missing something or are my attempts futile evidence by failed attempts at bbs DE shaves, especially on the chin and neck? I mean heck there is hair that basically doesn't cut! The razor slides off or gets stuck at no angle and pulls at higher ones! Anyone have any experience with this? I try to be slow and deliberate as well, and have tried everything from hydrolast to arko to cella and tabac... help!
