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Thread: My First time straight razor shaving a woman's face.

  1. #21
    Senior Member deepweeds's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by craniac24 View Post
    No judgement intended...just trying to help. That said, ladies...please don't shave your face. Wax, tweeze, laser, bleach...anything but shave. Please.
    Craniac, you don't give a reason. Why not?

    (I'm not a Mod, but I am concerned that some of the strong reactions on this thread can have a shaming effect on women posters or readers. Let's remember that in the Ladies Corner, we men are guests. Also, while we're used to being experts on our topic here at SRP, in this Corner we may be the novices.)
    edhewitt, Tymus and bluesman7 like this.
    Keep your pivot dry!

  2. #22
    Senior Member RedGladiator's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by deepweeds View Post
    Craniac, you don't give a reason. Why not?

    (I'm not a Mod, but I am concerned that some of the strong reactions on this thread can have a shaming effect on women posters or readers. Let's remember that in the Ladies Corner, we men are guests. Also, while we're used to being experts on our topic here at SRP, in this Corner we may be the novices.)
    How can I delete my comments ITT? I realised my comments are not helpful in anyway and not really appropiate.

  3. #23
    Senior Member blabbermouth edhewitt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by craniac24 View Post
    No judgement intended...just trying to help. That said, ladies...please don't shave your face. Wax, tweeze, laser, bleach...anything but shave. Please.
    What is the opposite of liking a comment? I don't have a button for that.

    It really is none of your business how people go about grooming themselves. And a really quite bizarre first post.
    Bread and water can so easily become tea and toast

  4. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by edhewitt View Post
    What is the opposite of liking a comment? I don't have a button for that.

    It really is none of your business how people go about grooming themselves. And a really quite bizarre first post.
    I'm sorry. I certainly didn't mean to offend. Regarding the question of whether or not it's "my business", of course you're correct. How someone chooses to groom themselves is entirely up to them. That said, I wouldn't take offense if a woman suggested that men should shower regularly, and I can't imagine anyone else would either. If a woman I was dating told me that she'd really prefer it if my back didn't resemble a mohair sweater, I might be inclined to do something about it. People offer grooming tips all the time...especially when it comes to matters of the opposite sex. I just offered mine, that's all. Apologies once again for offending you.

  5. #25
    Senior Member blabbermouth edhewitt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by craniac24 View Post
    I'm sorry. I certainly didn't mean to offend. Regarding the question of whether or not it's "my business", of course you're correct. How someone chooses to groom themselves is entirely up to them. That said, I wouldn't take offense if a woman suggested that men should shower regularly, and I can't imagine anyone else would either. If a woman I was dating told me that she'd really prefer it if my back didn't resemble a mohair sweater, I might be inclined to do something about it. People offer grooming tips all the time...especially when it comes to matters of the opposite sex. I just offered mine, that's all. Apologies once again for offending you.
    indeed you may do something about your back hair as i do with hair on my shoulders, but the method used to achieve it is entirely up to the person surely. i dont really understand your objection to women shaving their face if you dont object to them removing the hair in the first place.
    in fact why dont you try tweezing or waxing your beard and see how you go.
    WW243 likes this.
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  6. #26
    Fatty Boom Boom WW243's Avatar
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    Name:  werewolf_woman_by_jrunsteen-d5yynjw.jpg
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    My 2nd wife....I never made any suggestions regarding hair, facial or otherwise.
    As you can see by my avatar I have my own issues with hair although I prefer to keep the center of my face smooth.
    Last edited by WW243; 01-06-2015 at 01:59 PM.
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  7. #27
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    I have a friend who is in the business of doing facials for both men and women. She does not do men's shaves that would be considered a Barbers type shave, but she has shaved women I believe. She tells me that women's facial hair does not grow back like men's and apparently it can be considered as par for the course considering the type of facial being done. I know absolutely nothing about any of this, but found it interesting. In my opinion, it seems it would be totally up to the woman to decide what, when or how they want to shave and unless I am asked personally and then I would have to think about it before saying anything. My wife has had this done and liked the smooth feeling of her face after. I couldn't tell she had it done and still can't.
    deepweeds likes this.

  8. #28
    Senior Member blabbermouth bluesman7's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RedGladiator View Post
    How can I delete my comments ITT? I realised my comments are not helpful in anyway and not really appropiate.
    Edit > delete > delete message > then the delete button at the bottom.
    Last edited by bluesman7; 01-06-2015 at 01:03 PM.
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    edhewitt (01-06-2015)

  10. #29
    Fatty Boom Boom WW243's Avatar
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    "What is dermabrasion?
    Dermabrasion and dermaplaning help to "refinish" the skin's top layers through a method of controlled surgical scraping. The treatments soften the sharp edges of surface irregularities, giving the skin a smoother appearance."
    Sounds very similar to shaving.....I'm with don't ask don't tell on this one.
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  11. #30
    Senior Member blabbermouth edhewitt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bluesman7 View Post
    Edit > delete > delete message > then the delete button at the bottom.
    You can only do this for a day or so after the original post. Otherwise you will need to ask a mod.
    RedGladiator likes this.
    Bread and water can so easily become tea and toast

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