Please bear with me and try to picture this......

Yesterday morning I was deep in thought and honing my skills with this new found love of the straight razor shave. Amidst the pleasant aroma of strop Shop Baker street and Clubman I stood, basking in the glory of slick lather and post shower mist. When, with an intrusive knock at the door, my lovely and beautiful girlfriend entered sporting a rather concerning look of disapproval. As I stood half lathered she insulted my manhood with the statement, "my god, you primp more than I do. are you going to spend all day in here." I must admit that my usual witty sarcasm type defense was completely useless and totally absent as she exited shaking her head.

I attempted to explain the sense of pleasure and achievement that comes as a result of a "proper shave", but she does not seem to grasp the concept. Am I alone in dealing with this brand of ridicule? And if not, how do you, my fellow straight razor enthusiasts deal with this issue? I have never in my life been accused of UN-MANLY acts. I must admit that it burns a bit.