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Thread: getting the hang of it

  1. #1
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    Default getting the hang of it

    First shave was just sideburns down the the jaw line. Finished without the straight. I wanted to skip a few days and try again. I keep a well groomed gotee so I decided tonight to try my neck and jawline.

    I started with Col. Conks glycerine and lime puck and added some Proraso red to make a thick and lucious batch of lather. This was amazing... I get the brush and the puck soaking and stropped my straight razor. After that, I gave myself a hot towel (slightly wetted). I brushed the lather over my whole face and took the right side first. After that was done, I wiped all the lather off my face, reapplied on the left side and shaved there. Then I hit my neck and under my jaw with more lather and took my time. I then lathered my sideburns and cross cut, lathered my neck and jawline and shaved through there.

    My face went well, just a few tiny nicks that didn't do much but turn my lather on my razor pinkish.

    I hit my face with some aftershave I picked up from Rubinovs. Its smells good and didn't quite sting much at all. Its called Checker Flag made by Master.

    My neck and jawline didn't bleed, but I also didn't get all the stubble baby bottom smooth. Any suggestions?

  2. #2
    Senior Member blabbermouth RezDog's Avatar
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    My greatest improvements came from two things. The art of the stretch is the biggest. The other was knowing when it is time to call it a shave. Getting the angle for the right strokes and the comfort in hand to execute them takes a few shaves, in the mean time quitting while you are ahead is paramount. I do like this video for stretching. The dude is crazy fast in his shave though.
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  3. #3
    Moderator Razorfeld's Avatar
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    BBs's are overrated unless you are getting married every day or accepting the Nobel Peace Prize everyday. A good DFS is so close to a BBS that even a close looker would have difficulty seeing the difference. Don't sweat it and enjoy each day's shave for what it is even if you have to finish with a DE. Remember, Lynn always says, "Have fun."
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  4. #4
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    I am thoroughly enjoying the shave. I forgot to add I played Beethoven while shaving. That was an especially nice treat.

    Would it be better to shave daily or every few days?
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  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jake77 View Post
    I am thoroughly enjoying the shave. I forgot to add I played Beethoven while shaving. That was an especially nice treat.

    Would it be better to shave daily or every few days?
    I does not matter.. the only thing you will get from shaving every day is you will get experience in shaving twice as fast
    As for the neck area, tri to really lift up the chin and stretch the skin some more.. also learn which way the hair grows there and go ATG if possible...some people get burns doing that, but you won't know if you don't try, but don't use to much presure and not more that 2 maybe 3 strokes on the same area.. otherwise you will get razor burns. Good luck and happy shaving!

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by RezDog View Post
    My greatest improvements came from two things. The art of the stretch is the biggest. The other was knowing when it is time to call it a shave. Getting the angle for the right strokes and the comfort in hand to execute them takes a few shaves, in the mean time quitting while you are ahead is paramount. I do like this video for stretching. The dude is crazy fast in his shave though.

    That is impressive, it makes me less scared of learning to shave with a SR. He makes it seem so easy.

  7. #7
    Senior Member blabbermouth RezDog's Avatar
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    To be able to shave without injury takes a few shaves. Most people leak a little blood once or twice. I doubt as a percentage very many people seriously injure themselves. I do have a small scar on my cheek from shaving. Don't rush, relax and enjoy the shave. It is after a few shaves that we start to refine our technique. After about 100 shaves or so you will have found the top of the steep part of the learning curve. You have a higher probability of getting a rash. Everyone is very careful when shaving, so cutting is less of an issue but the comfort and closeness is what we develop in those first 100 shaves. The dude in the video is very experienced. I cannot shave that fast, and doubt that i ever will. It just does not seem that relaxing. There are many good videos to watch.
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  8. #8
    Member Batsmurf's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RezDog View Post
    My greatest improvements came from two things. The art of the stretch is the biggest. The other was knowing when it is time to call it a shave. Getting the angle for the right strokes and the comfort in hand to execute them takes a few shaves, in the mean time quitting while you are ahead is paramount. I do like this video for stretching. The dude is crazy fast in his shave though.
    Holy crap! That dude is fast. Hell, I am happy to get mine done in 15-20 minutes.
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  9. #9
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    Thanks for the advice. I will def go slow and take my time. That guy going that fast and being ok makes me think I will be ok going slow and staying steady.

  10. #10
    Senior Member kelbro's Avatar
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    Didn't look all that fast to me. Never needed to do an ATG on my cheeks.

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