Name:  Wosterholm Pipe Razor.jpg
Views: 145
Size:  13.1 KB

I got this razor a few months ago from a fellow member in Classifieds, but am just now getting around to using it. It really is a smooth shaver and I think it is a wedge. I didn't think I was a fan of wedges but have really enjoyed the shaves it gives. My face really feels good after the shave.

One reason the razor shaves so well is the edge the seller put on it. Check this out under 400x magnification:

Name:  piperazor.jpg
Views: 138
Size:  33.0 KB

I'm still not comfortable with honing razors. I thought I had gotten over the hump but I've struggled a little with the art lately. But the guy who put this edge on my pipe razor really did a great job.