Man sorry to hear that you are not getting the results you would like. My two cents, try a thicker grind razor. I am sure the last thing you want hear is go buy another razor, but I get the best shaves with a 1/4 hollow or near wedge. Ok, yes, you can shave with full hollow razors and get good shaves. Sure you can focus on technique and prep all you want, sometimes the grind does make a difference. I have used full hollow razors and got ok results, but the the best and smoothest shaves were from a 1/4 hollow razor.

My beard might not be as thick as your beard, but it is wiry and difficult to shave. For example, a Barber had to change blades during a shave. My chin hairs were just difficult. The barber stated I had on of the toughest beards to shave. My best shaves are with an old Sheffield near wedge, A hart steel razor. I am ordering a custom razor specifically with a 1/4 hollow grind. Many will say that the grind does not matter. But for some it might be worth considering. Again, I am not saying you cannot shave with full hollows, but you might benefit from a thicker grind.