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  1. #41
    Senior Member blabbermouth edhewitt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Michael70 View Post
    Will do Ed! I guess this is part of the learning curve for sure.
    Though reading through these sections is a good idea (almost anything you could think of to ask will be be there somewhere, and indeed a lot of stuff you probably never would have thought of), i really meant that everyone has had some sort of a stuff up, and there are stuff ups in every aspect of shaving too, honing, hone care, razors to buy, how to look after the razor, stropping, and in my case lather making i am fairly sure I have ballsed up in a few other areas too
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    Bread and water can so easily become tea and toast

  2. #42
    illegitimum non carborundum Utopian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Michael70 View Post
    When I do strop I don't hold the strop stiff but a slight lazy hold (resembling a stiff hammock profile with a slight bow) and try not to use any if much pressure when stropping or making laps. But I can tell you the spine does not contact the leather to get the razors edge to contact the leather. I have to lift the spine off the leather to get that sound of what it should sound like.......all the while on a paste embedded strop.
    Others have alluded to this but I want to be blatant about it.

    The angle of the bevels is determined by geometry. As two points determine a line, two lines determine a plane. Each bevel is determined by the line of the spine and the line of the edge.

    When you hone or when you strop, you must keep the spine and edge on the hone and strop at all times in order to maintain that same angle of the bevel. By lifting the spine when you stropped, you moved the line. This altered the bevel at its weakest region--the apex of the edge, which you would have repeatedly folded over with each stroke of the stropping with the lifted spine.

    Have you ever broken a wire by bending it repeatedly? This is what you did to your edge.
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  3. #43
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    Here's a video from our own MrMagnus showing what a sharp razor used at the proper angle is capable of. It also shows what is meant by 'shaving the lather'.
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  4. #44
    barba crescit caput nescit Phrank's Avatar
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    I don't know if you'd call this one, "shaving the lather", but this is the video I saw that got me interested in shaving with a straight.

    I never get tired of this video, he is/was a member here, "Willi" or "Wulli", but this really shows what a straight in the right hands can do.

    First time I saw it, thought he was going to shave with the butcher knife hanging on the wall:

  5. #45
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    thats fast. I wish I could wrap up a shave that quickly.

  6. #46
    Senior Member Michael70's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by coryschmidt View Post
    Here's a video from our own MrMagnus showing what a sharp razor used at the proper angle is capable of. It also shows what is meant by 'shaving the lather'.

    My shave vids with straights - Page 13
    Convinced after watching that and the little effort made I ruined the bevel/edge on my razor and need to get the bevel set again and re-sharpened. Thanks for the video!
    German blade snob!

  7. #47
    Senior Member Michael70's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phrank View Post
    I don't know if you'd call this one, "shaving the lather", but this is the video I saw that got me interested in shaving with a straight.

    I never get tired of this video, he is/was a member here, "Willi" or "Wulli", but this really shows what a straight in the right hands can do.

    First time I saw it, thought he was going to shave with the butcher knife hanging on the wall:

    He was quick and that razor took a heavy growth off real quick!!!!
    German blade snob!

  8. #48
    Senior Member Crackers's Avatar
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    Hi Michael70, some great advice there, hope it serves you well.

    I just wanted to add with regards to pressure, try shaving a balloon, I know it sounds crazy but it really helps you with the pressure thing.

    I knew I had it when there was a bit of color from the balloon in the cream that I was taking off. Too much pressure and pop you have shaving foam all over you, so do it outside with a old t-shirt on.

    P.S. Keep it clean gents I am expecting backlash from the above.
    Last edited by Crackers; 02-09-2015 at 09:45 PM.
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    A good lather is half the shave.

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  9. #49
    Senior Member Michael70's Avatar
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    Crackers I saw this once on Threes Company......but I digress here a bit with a sitcom! LOL! POint well taken.
    German blade snob!

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