Seeing as to how you are only 50 shaves in there are a few questions I have. Do you have a razor that was professionally sharpened by a reputable vendor? If not, send it out to have one to compare to. I started out shaving and honing at the same time, and until I tried a true shave ready edge from a reputable vendor, it was apparent my edges were sub par. I personally don't use any 5/8 razors. I like the heft of larger razors. Personally when I was at 50 shaves there were too many variables that were not tweaked properly to be able to put the blame on a razor. Lather, razor angle, razor pressure, soap/cream used all play a big role in the outcome of a shave. What hones do you have? Some razors will shave awesome on a hone, and a different razor on the same hone can be harsh. Lots of factors at play,