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Thread: Finally aboard

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    Join Date
    Apr 2007
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    Default Finally aboard

    Hi, All,
    I've been reading posts on this site for months trying to accomplish the daunting task of st8 razor shaving. Your tips have been helpful. Earlier, I tried on my own, hacking away, and eventually quitting. When I stumbled upon this site, my interest was restored and I'm now an accomplished str8 razor shaver. I no longer consider myself a newbie--thanks to you guys.
    I'm 54 years old and have no clue why I started this, but I'm now hooked and thoroughly enjoy the experience.
    Your past discussions on equipment also helped me purchase what I consider to be some of the finest products. Again, thanks!
    A couple of take-them-or leave-them tips for new guys starting out--(things I learned the hard way!):
    1) To avoid red lines place the razor flat on the face and then gradually lift it to 30 degrees as you start the stroke. I kept putting the blade on my skin at 30 degrees and created red lines. Eventually, you won't need to do this.
    2) Use zero pressure. Let "the weight of the blade" do the cutting.
    3) Stretching is everything. Again, I learned that the hard way. I now have two permanent scars that make me even uglier.
    4) Take a lot of feather-light short strokes--at least it worked for me.
    5) Don't attempt going across or against the grain until you've mastered with the grain. Again, I learned this the hard way.

    On a side note, and maybe a useful tip for someone out there: my daughter is an artist and made me a wonderful shave bowl. I hold it in the palm of my left hand while whipping up the lather. Anyway, I took 3 almond soap cakes, put them in the microwave oven until they melted. I stirred the liquid soap (looked like milk) and then poured it into the shave bowl nearly to the top. It was ready to perform the next day. It's a great way to build lather and I won't need to mess with more soap for months.

    Anyway, thanks to all of you for the advice the past few months.
    Ron A
    Last edited by Ron A; 04-22-2007 at 01:04 AM. Reason: incorrect spelling

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